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Liruliniel never told anyone else about the letter she sent. Tauriel, though she hadn't seen her of late, hadn't spoken of it to anyone else either. If she had, Liruliniel was sure others would be questioning as to why she was writing to Elrond. The fact that a few days passed, bad timing on its behalf as it arrived the same day as Oropher's funeral, had Liruliniel frowning deeply.

She didn't want to open it. She felt bad enough about this day as it was, let alone with whatever information Elrond had written within the parchment. Looking about the small dining space of her home, she tapped her foot against the floor in thought. The envelope was idly on the table before her, it was just there looking up plainly as if mocking her. Liruliniel scrunched her eyes shut before reaching out, she tore the envelope open and pulled the paper out.

Her eyes readily and speedily scanned the paper in her hands. She had started her letter off cordially, asking how he was, how everyone else was and that she hoped the return back to Imladris went well. She hoped there was no more casualties along the way, and it seemed from his response everyone got back safely. That was a massive relief off her mind and heart. She felt relaxed a little, though the next part of the letter had her tensing in her seat. Her hands clutched onto the crisp, off white parchment as her eyes slowly read over the lines of text which he had written so neatly.

Liruliniel swallowed thickly, she felt really sick. 'It is an uncanny thing, to recognise one's kin with a glance. You may not have recalled, recognised or remembered him; but Gil-galad knew of you.' Liruliniel read the line several times, that still was not sinking in. Her breathing turned a little shallow as she blinked her eyes, they hurt from just staring hard at the paper. He went on; 'Silmacil, a sword grafted by the great smith Celebrimbor for his daughter Ithilwen. An ill fate befell her, when Sauron bewitched Celebrimbor and he rebelled back, Sauron had his family captured, tortured. It stands to reason that you have this sword, not out of luck, but out of family rights. Little is known about Ithilwen, Liruliniel. What is known, is that she married and disappeared. Your ability to sometimes have seen Sauron so vividly may be due to the link between you and the elf he tricked into making the One Ring. I am surmising to say that there has always been more to you, Liruliniel and now we know why; you are of the Ñoldor, one of the true last to come from that lineage.'

Liruliniel looked at the paper, she couldn't help but laugh a little, her horse and her mother shared the same name. But, when dwelt on it, she had recalled the name from somewhere; hence why she named Ithilwen it. Moon, someone by that name with that sword, it was all very ironic. Was this all true? Elrond would not lie to her. She was a little annoyed he clearly knew, along with Gil-galad and said nothing. But she supposed with this new information presented to him, he couldn't deny her knowing anymore.

Liruliniel sat back in her chair, "Celebrimbor," she whispered the name slowly, almost testing it out. This seemed unreal, this couldn't have come on another day, could it? This day was going to be bad enough, without having to process this too! As by rights, she had learned about the Ñoldor, and the family tree in some brief glancings. She stood and paced, raking a hand through her hair. She tugged at the auburn locks and frowned, she definitely got the hair colour more from her father than her mother; most if not all knew those from that heritage were extremely dark haired. Shaking her head, she groaned. "Celebrimbor, the Celebrimbor was my grandfather?!" She ran a hand down her face, "That isn't...what is this..." Liruliniel collapsed back in the chair, "This, this is your life, that's what it is." She mumbled with her head thrown back on the rest of the chair as her eyes squeezed shut. "Celebrimbor was a Ñoldorin Prince. If I remember rightly, he was supposedly the last line of the House of Fëanor; apparently not because...well, here I am...so, does that make me a long lost Princess?" Liruliniel scrunched her face up, she was so confused! Sitting up, she pushed her hair over her shoulders and scanned the letter again. Elrond was most kind, as ever, saying if she needed anymore aid then to write. She shook her head slowly though. It still wasn't sinking in. Her grandfather was the great smith that not only created the One Ring, yes, through trickery on Sauron's behalf, but also the ring which Elrond owned too. Liruliniel looked to Silmacil, he created that sword, and now it was hers.

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