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Liruliniel was soon becoming oddly used to meeting those that she thought she never would. If someone said to her when she was a child that she would become a guard to Oropher, she'd have laughed. Albeit, yes, she would've also excitedly exclaimed about her dream coming true. But then, if that someone then furthered on and said that she would soon be in Imladris under Elrond's care, then she'd have truly laughed at them. That was two too many high ranking elves for her to contend with, that would've been for sure.

But, and this was a massive one, to suddenly find herself before the last High King of the Ñoldor, was truly something. Her mind was reeling, what did one say to someone like that? Her king was one thing, Elrond was another, but Gil-galad was a whole different story. Ultimately, yes, she did not know too much about him, but she knew of him and surely that was enough? So far, each elf Liruliniel found herself meeting differed, it was truly interesting really to be honest. She was fascinated in how everyone differed, not that she was expecting everyone to be the same, but everyone contrasted in personality.

Gil-galad was more like Elrond in appearance, tall, serious faced with dark brown hair and sharp eyes the colour of slate. He was simply wearing a dark grey almost blue looking tunic, his long hair trailed down his back and atop of his head he wore a simple looking silver circlet. Elrond and himself were practically mirrored, the first wearing something very similar all down to the jewellery upon his head. Liruliniel wasn't expecting to be welcomed in with open arms, but she wasn't expecting to just get stared at.

Liruliniel's eyes slowly widened, her back went ramrod straight and she stiffly bowed. The whole act looked incredibly clumsy, she could almost imagine what it looked like; auburn haired elf with still red cheeks and eyes practically falls over in an effort to bow to royalty. Elrond beside her was trying not to smirk, her shock and reaction to such a thing was a little amusing to watch. Gil-galad however just sighed and leaned against the table behind him, there was a map unfurled on top of it with markers of certain places and things.

"I think that's quite enough of that, don't you?" Liruliniel just peered up, Gil-galad's voice was light, though it seemed that there was a seriousness to it which had her snapping back up. He gestured a hand to her while he himself turned back to the table, Liruliniel looked hesitantly at Elrond, he just nodded and waved a hand over too. Liruliniel picked up her feet and walked over slowly. He reminded her of Oropher, this icy sternness was a little intimidating, but also because of who he was made it so much worse. He was taller than her, like that was a surprise everyone seemed to be, so when she reached his side he simply looked down at her. "I take I don't have to explain anything to you?"

"I know why I am here," Liruliniel said, blinking and looking over the map before her. It was of the lands around them, certain markers sat in certain places and she tilted her head. Gil-galad just remained a bit stoic faced and looking at her, "Visions, those which involve a war. Something is lurking in Greenwood, so to avoid a bad outcome I was taken out of the equation before the outcome could even happen." Liruliniel explained, despite of his words it seemed clear to her that he wished to know why. Like he didn't know, of course he did, but he evidently wanted to hear it from her. "Lord Elrond is going to help me to interpret these, so...I guess if any noticeable information comes to light, it will aid you."

"It'll aid us, Liruliniel. But not just us, but everyone else." Her eyes couldn't help but widen, it just seemed utterly bizarre and unreal that Gil-galad was saying her name so casually. In fact, his exterior softened slightly despite of the topic at hand. "Tell me, do you know any details?"

Liruliniel shifted uncertainly and looked over her shoulder, Elrond saw her desperate plea for help in her eyes and moved over. He reached a hand out from his robe and tapped on the map, in all honesty, Elrond was truly the only person along with Oropher that she uttered noticeable marks in the land in her dream to. She could've come out with it, especially to Gil-galad, he didn't look annoyed by her hesitance, he seemed acceptant and understanding. Both elves in the room to her, she didn't mean it in a rude way, were sort of used to fighting; they had done so already, they had seen sieges and survived them and a few battles in between then and now. She wasn't. She wasn't even fully a guard and here she was talking of something akin to the end of the world. It was terrifying.

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