Silly Pranks

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"I'll check up on you every now and then at your house, alright?" Irina spoke to Y/n after class. Y/n waved her hand dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be okay. You know I can handle myself," Y/n smiled at her cousin, Irina's expression wavering.

"Y/n, you're not as safe as you think in this class. Don't let your anger get to you. The main schools kids and teachers hates this class. Don't do anything rash, you got that?" 

"Irina, you're not my mom. In fact, no one is. I can handle myself. But if people wont shut their mouths I can't promise to do nothing about it," Y/n smiled reassuringly at the blonde woman, but Irina was not reassured in the slightest.

"if you say so, Y/n. I know I can't control you. Just try to stay out of trouble,"

"Irina, you have papers to grade," Karasuma placed his hand on her shoulder to catch her attention, ushering her into the teachers lounge. 

"I'll pass by tonight to make sure you're not being a slob!" Irina called out before the door closed behind her. Y/n snickered as she started to walk out of the building, heading to her house.


The class started to get antsy as time went on. They thought since Y/n was an assassin, she would've tried something by the end of the week. But the weekend came and she hadn't even touched Koro-Sensei. By monday, everyone was on the edge of their seats, sure that she was going to try.

Class started, and nothing so far. Until Koro-Sensei reached for his chalk. On contact, his tentacle had started to melt.

"Sorry Koro-Sensei! Here's your chalk," Y/n said as she walked to the front of class. She gathered the pieces that were on the board and gave the octopus a new pack. 

"Thank you Y/n, that was quite creative! Silly pranks like that won't kill me, though," He said as his head turned into stripes of green and yellow.

"I know. What fun is it if I kill you right away?" At first, the yellow creature was unfazed by this comment. That was, until he looked into her eyes. Pure bloodlust swam inside her e/c eyes, and he saw webs all around her. He slowly backed away, and she smiled before walking back to her seat. The class was confused as to why he was scared of her, and decided that he was just being a wimp.


Little pranks like that happened throughout the day. Koro-Sensei's mouth melted as he ate his ice cream during lunch, due to a BB inside the cherry on top. The doorknob of the faculty room was covered in BB's and he had to get someone else to open the door for him. The pen he usually used for grading had an anti-octopus coating on it so his hand melted when he tried to grade. The class had started to think that she was just showing off, since she was an actual assassin, considering she wasn't trying to kill him.

Karma specifically was not fond of her, specially because he had to sit next to her. He noticed how she never did any work. He got angry, thinking she would bring down the class if she did no work and did terrible in midterms. He even tried, even though he was already top of the class.

The class, all being rather upset with Y/n, cornered her at her seat during lunch.

"Can you stop showing off? It's getting annoying," Terasaka nearly growled at her. She cocked her head to the side, confused at his request.

"You guys don't really want him dead yet do you?" Everyone stared at her as they took her question in.

"Well," Isogai scratched the back of his head nervously, "Of course we do," Y/n shook her head.

"No, you don't. I may have only been here for a week, but I can feel it. No one here, even Terasaka wants him to die. You want to kill him, yes, but because you have to and because you'll get the reward. But, really, you all are pretty fond of the octopus," Terasaka wanted to punch her, hating how she read the class so easily after only knowing them for a week, but knew she was right. Even if he hated to admit it, he liked Koro-Sensei, and so did the rest of the class.

"Jeez, Y/n. You read us like a book," Isogai said, laughing uneasily. 

"Sorry, force of habit from being an assassin," Y/n smiled apologetically. Karma glared at her before leaving the classroom. He walked to the forest, leaning on a tree as he looked through the window, watching the class talk to Y/n. 

"Little know it all," He growled as he blushed from being read so easily by the girl.


This chapter is supposed to show how aware Y/n is of her surroundings. As an assassin, you need to know how to manipulate and read people. In this case, there is no manipulation, but the reader reads the whole class easily

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