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Both Irina and Karasuma had raced off towards The Reaper for their own reasons, leaving the rest of the class and the teacher behind behind the bars. When they heard an explosion, they panicked. 

"We heard an explosion, are you hurt?"

"I'm alright, but I'm afraid Irina's trapped under the rubble," Y/n froze, wide eyed at the walkie talkie in her teachers tentacle.

"Irina you... Why did you do this to yourself? To me?" She shuddered with a quiet sob. "I don't have time to dig her out, The Reaper's getting away-"

"Wait!" Kurahshi shouted, catching the mans attention, "You have to do something! You can't just leave her!"

"Kurahashi, I want my cousin safe as much as the next guy, but we can't let The Reaper get away. If he does... He'll only come back. But stonger and wittier, I'm sure," A dark shadow casted upon Y/n's face as she looked down, hot tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Look, the woman had her chance when she partnered up with the physcopath. Being a pro means assuming everything is at risk. It's part of the job,"

"What does that have to do with being a pro? I know I'm just a kid, but poor professor Bitch. She's barely twenty one!"

"And we're barely fifteen, some of us not even so!" Y/n yelled at the orange haired girl. Everyone looked at the defensless H/c haired girl. She was shaking, and struggling to stand as her legs looked like they would give up on her. 

"He's right. It's the job of a pro, and if she did all of this because of a stupid heartbreak, then she had what was coming to her!" Finally, her knees bucked and she fell on the ground, her hands cupping her face as she sobbed.

But the orange haired girl didn't give up, and in the end, Karasuma gave in. He pulled Irina from the rubble, her questioning why he did so.

The class took off their collars and hid against the wall, in camo, and waited for The Reaper to noice. Finally, when he did, he blew a few of them up. When The Reaper assumed that the students has escaped, he returned to Karasuma.

The two barreled down into the water below to fight it out one last time. Koro-Sensei tried and failed to be an announcer during the fight, as it was going to fast for him to talk. 

The Reaper shot through his finger, hitting right at Karasumas chest where it would peirce through his heart in the perfect place. But Karasuma was prepared. He took The Reaper down with ease, and released the kids. Karma uncuffed Y/n, and pulled her up, putting his arm around his shoulder for balance.

"Are you okay? Professor B-Jelavic is really close to you. This all must have been hard," Nagisa aske the girl as they made their way to The Reaper. She nodded, sighing.

"I'm alright, but you bet your ass that Irina is going to get her head screamed off later," Y/n raised a weak fist, smiling angrily.

"The man who set him on this path was a first grade fool,"

 "Suppose it boild down to the world we know. How it shapes the value of it all,"

"Well said. Would'nt you agree, Miss Irina?" Y/n wriggled free of Karma, saying she could stand on her own. The class chased her a bit, and Y/n and Yoshida held her arms so she could not get away.

"Just shut up and come back to school tomorrow like always. No more taking off for days at a time!"

"Okay, you do realise I was going to kill you all," Yoshida let go of Irina's arm, but Y/n stayed put. 

Karasuma held a rose out to Irina, shocking everyone including Y/n. Y'n stumbled back, hitting the wall with a thump, surprised. Irina was mad, but over all, was too entranced by Karasuma's gesture to care. She started walking around with a pink aura, but Y/n stopped her. 

"Don't make this feel like you're safe. They may forgive you, but I'm giving you one hell of a lecture later,"


Been trying to work harder at improving my writing lately, and youll see that more in Jobs Pt. 2 which will not be out for a week in the least

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