Has No Chance

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A/n: I made the reader paint the same thing on her wall as I have on mine. Im not done tho :/


Karma watched intently from his spot on the bed as Y/n painted on her wall. For the time being, there was a sunset, and she was adding clouds. She had changed from her school uniform to a tank top and sweat pants, and he liked watching her subtle curves as she moved. He wished he could say he was paying attention to the painting more than her, but he found himself blushing as his thoughts wandered.

The red head hated it, but he thought he was gaining feelings for the girl. The thing was, he thought that a government assassin, even if she was just slightly older than him, would never be interested in a generally normal teen. She had shown interest, but all times they had been affectionate, it was with lustful intent or in spite, so he was not sure.

He shook off the thought as she stood, admiring her work. Her hands and arms were covered in paint, and she wiped her forehead, leaving a smear of white. 

"You went full in on your dream of being an artist, huh?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her torso, making her jump in surprise. 

"Er... Yeah. One thing I knew about my mom was she really liked art... So when I was little I really wanted to be an artist," She muttered quietly as he left butterfly kisses on the back of her neck and across her shoulders. She shivered at the feeling, but could not help the feeling of dread that bubbled in her stomach.

She carefully wriggled away, her face red and a sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach. 

"I don't want to get paint on you, it's already all over me," She mumbled out a half assed excuse as she stumbled away.

"I don't mind," He stepped closer, a smirk evident on his face. As their lips met, she gave up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

As usual, the kissing turned into a make out session, and soon he was pushing her onto the bed and crawling in between her legs, connecting their lips again. He let his kisses travel from her lips to her jaw, down her neck and across her collar bones, to right above her breasts. His fingers tugged at the bottom of the tank top, and she gasped slightly, softly shoving him away. He stayed put, smirking up at her from his spot above her boobs.

"We don't have to worry about being interrupted, right? The only person that knows where you live is-,"

"Y/n! Your beloved cousin Irina is here!"

Y/n scrambled out from underneath the red headed devil, and started shoving him near the window. 

"Out the window, now, Karma!" She whisper shouted with urgency. "We do not need Irina having any sort of proof that we have slept together! She already thinks that we have, thanks to you!" She opened the window, turning back to him.

"We have been pretty close twice now, so what's the big whoop if she thinks we actually sealed the deal?" He asked as he threw his leg over the side of the window frame.

"The big whoop is she would kick your ass for even thinking of touching me, and talk your ear off about our past, which mind you, she does not know I have told you about," She shoved him the rest of the way out, and he landed on his feet in the grass of the side of the yard. "Now, out," She handed him his backpack with a quick "See you later!" and shut the window, right in time for Irina to come bounding in with no invitation.

"I haven't come over in a while, so I decided to-," The blonde saw the painting on the wall and gawked. "Wow, I only half believed the octopus when he told me you did that painting of him. Guess I owe him an apology, huh?"

Karma paid little to no attention to the conversation that was easily heard through the walls as he walked back to his own home. His thoughts swirled with ideas of him and the h/c haired girl being together, and he shook his head to get them to scatter away. A nervous lump formed in his throat as he jumped onto his couch and clicked the tv on.

His mind continued to wander, and soon he was completely tuned out from the sound of the tv and was simply in his own mind. His chest heaved and his face flushed at the thought of the small girl, and he shoved his face in a pillow in frustration.

He liked her more than lustfully, he had been aware of that for a while. He couldn't ignore when the color drained from his face when he saw her chained up by The Reaper. He couldn't ignore the beating of his heart when she smiled, or the heat that rose to his cheeks.

That moment, he decided to try to get rid of his crush on her. Since he never had a crush before then, unless fictional characters counted, he searched online how to get rid of of one.

Every link he clicked said one thing: move on with someone else. He thought about it for a moment, thinking of who he could move on with, when he thought of the purple haired girl with a braid going down her shoulder, who always looked at him with admiration and a pink tint to her cheeks.

"She's not too bad looking, and she knows a lot about science. Who knows what kinds of chemicals she could know of that I can use for my pranks," He thought of reasons to be interested in Okuda. 

While trying to think of the purple haired girl, his thoughts wandered back onto the h/c haired girl instead. Upon realizing this, he shoved his face back in the pillow and groaned.

"That's it! Plan get over her starts tomorrow!" He cried out before face planting into the couch.

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