You're Fired

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Kayano was in the hospital, and most students from the classroom visited her at least once. Most more than that, but others were either too stressed or busy to do it once or more. 

One day, Y/n was at home painting when she got a phone call. 

"Yes, sir?" She responded when she picked up, placing her paint brush in her water cup and taking a seat on her bed. She turned off the radio that was blaring, finally being in silence. 

"So you're goofing off, are you?" The man on the other end said in a harsh tone, making her flinch slightly, but her smile never faltered. 

"Taking a much needed break is all, I'm still a teenager," Her already wide smile widened for a split second, but she started to frown when she remembered how Karma had been acting as of late. 

"A teenager who's sole purpose of living is to kill. You should be working on how to kill that monster," The man barked at her, though she started to smile once more. "No matter, you're fired," It was going smoother than she had thought it would, and she kicked her feet with new found energy flowing through her body.

"I beg your pardon, sir?" Y/n said in a sweeter than sugar voice. 

"Cut it with the Sir! I am saying that it is no longer your job to kill that creature! You are to report back to your station and take a new job at once!" Y/n was unfazed by the yelling, and gave a toothy grin as she flipped over and hung her head of the side of her bed, he legs kicking wildly with excitement.

"I don't think I will," She said in fake thought, placing a finger to her lip with a smirk on her face. 

"To hell you do! It was an order, not a suggestion!" He shouted back, angered at her calm nature. 

"I don't think you understand what I am saying: I quit," There was silence on the other end for a moment, and she imagined the general gawking, his lips moving like a fish out of water as he tried to comprehend what the girl was doing.

"You are fifteen years old, you are not old enough to live on your own!"

"Oh, you seem to forget that my birthday was three days ago, and all I need is permission by my guardian,"

"Your guardian is the government! We will not let you get away with this!" 

"No, Irina and I signed papers to give her full custody of me while I was on this mission, so that the principal was not suspicious of me not having a proper parent. She has agreed to let me live on my own, and we already set up the paperwork and turned it in. Should have been watching me a bit closer. I'm a sly ex-assassin, after all," Y/n hung up the phone, and it felt as if her heart was beating out of her chest. Her blood was pumping as fast as it ever had in her life, and the smile on her face was so big that it started to cause her pain.

She had half a head to run next door and tell Karma the good news, but held back the urge. He was not the best to her lately, and she felt he did not deserve the news. It's not like he would have cared in the first place.

That did not stop her from running all the way to her cousins place, and causing the neighbors to call them to shut up as they squealed in excitement.

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