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"I have two things to tell you, Y/n," Irina paced the floor in front of the sofa her younger cousin was sitting on. The blonde was fuming as the other girl sulked. "One: I can't believe you let that period headed brat get so far with you. Two:" she looked at the pitiful expression in the smaller girls face, and her angry look melted away into empathy. She sat on the couch, her arms wrapping around Y/n in a hug. "I can't believe he took what you two had for granted," 

Y/n groaned, wriggling out of her cousins soft embrace, and flopping on her back.

"I can't believe it, either. How stupid of me. Everyone said that guy was evil, and I was a fool to think that I had changed him in any way," She rolled on her stomach, shoving her face in the cushions. "Heh, I guess I'm just as bad as the average teenage girl. Falling for a bad boy, thinking they can changed them," Y/n's voice cracked. "What a joke," 

"Assassin or not," Y/n felt Irina place a hand on her leg, rubbing it soothingly, trying to comfort her cousin, "Everyone has feelings. Being around people your age for the first time in your life, it was bound to happen,"  This only made Y/n groan, flipping back onto her back so she could look at the blonde as she talked. 

"Just, why couldn't it have been Isogai, or Sugino? Hell, Asano would've been better, because at least I'd know I had no chance from the start," Y/n put her arm over her face to shield her eyes from the light above her, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm down. "Why did I have to fall for that red headed, sadistic, pervert?"  Irina glanced at her cousin.

"You speak in English when you're frustrated?" Y/n jumped, her face flaring up slightly.

"Right, I'm so used to people here not knowing English. When I talk to myself, I talk in English," The blonde nodded in understanding, throwing the other girls legs off of her lap and standing up.

"Lets go somewhere and have fun. Get your mind off of this," Y/n sluggishly rose from the couch, giving Irina a questioning look. 

"Go where?" She asked, suspicious. Irina smirked, an evil glint in her eye.

"Lets go clubbing!" Y/n's mouth hung open in shock.

"The hell are you saying? I'm only sixteen!" 

"And since I've been busy with grading, I never wished you happy birthday. Let's go have some fun," The blonde woman put a finger over her lips and winked. "Our little secret," 

Y/n thought about the offer. She thought her cousin was crazy for it, but also appreciated what she was doing. Finally, she nodded.

"Alright, but I have some rules. Don't get me wasted, stay sober enough to take me home, and don't let me do anything stupid," 

"Ha! Yes! I have a club buddy! Let's get this party night started!" The blonde woman ran out of the house, whooping all the way to the car. Y/n grabbed the woman's keys and locked the house up before joining her.


Y/n had a couple drinks through the night, but learned she was a heavy weight, and was not even buzzed. On the other hand, her cousin was a light weight and was wasted. Y/n threw the woman's arm over her shoulder as she walked home, dragging Irina's weight as she was too sloppy to walk. She would have called Karasuma, but knew her cousin would get a scolding from the man for taking a minor clubbing. 

Despite how the ending went, the alcohol she had consumed was enough to make her slightly happier, and forget about the red head as she walked home. Her house was closer than Irina's, so Irina was going to be crashing there for the night.

Y/n's decent mood was ruined when she saw the back of a red head walking in front of her.

"Y/nnn," Irina whined childishly at Y/n's side, making the girl sigh.

"Yes, Irina?" The red head seemed to know the two were behind him, but ignored it and continued his way to his house. 

"Can you call the hunk?" An irk mark appeared on Y/n's forehead.

"No, Irina, because then he would know you took a minor with you to a club,"

"But then he would just have to punish me, and I wouldn't be complaining~,"

"The hell you wouldn't. You'd end up with a fine, or worse-," Y/n decided to stop talking, realizing that reasoning with the drunk woman would be useless. She sighed, trekking up the rest of the sidewalk near her house, and finally turning to her pathway. She could not help but glance to her side to catch a glimpse of the red head walking to his own house, and they locked eyes. Her own here unreadable, and his seemed to have so many emotions swirling in them.

She turned her head casually to not seem upset, and suddenly she felt a weight off her back. He eyes widened as she saw the blonde woman drunkinly stumbling to the gate.

"You p-p- eriod head-ed-d-d bra~t! Hu~rting my," Irina hiccuped, "Li~ttl~e Y/n!" She slurred in a loud voice, leaning over the gate, the metal bending under her almost dead weight.

"Irina Jelavic! Get your white bitch ass back here!" Karma's already widened eyes went slightly confused at the use of English, struggling to translate it in his head, and still missing half of the words.

"No! He hurt my dear little Y/n and he will pay!" The red head internally groaned at the use of more English. 

"Irina, for god sakes! Please, I don't need him to deal with this when he just doesn't want anything to do with me. Let him have what he wants, okay? To be left alone," Irina struggled in the younger girls grasp as she was dragged to the doorway, and thrown inside the house. The door was slammed shut before she could jump back out.

Y/n blocked the door with her body, fighting off the blonde woman, who suddenly passed out in the middle of the fight. 


Karma was leaning on the inside of his door, thinking of what had just happened. He had picked up only certain words, but understood the jist of what they were saying. 

He felt bad for hurting her, but he was too deep in to go back. She definitely not going to forgive him for what he had done and said. Even if she did, he was sure that he would not be able to forgive himself for hurting her like he did. He just wanted her to get over him so he didn't have to feel guilty anymore. 

He knew, like anyone else, her crush would die slowly and painfully. They both would have to wait for the day that they could feel normal again


The whole time writing this chapter, I had it named "Oh shit oh fu k" because I started writing it at school and needed to quickly come up with a title so I could put my phone away before class

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