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Karma stared at Y/n every chance he got the next following days, yet she never mentioned the kiss on the cheek she gave him days before. He was starting to get annoyed at the fact that he couldn't ignore it. Every time he got a glance at her, his cheeks flared pink, and he would grit his teeth together, flaring his fangs. He was partially angry at her, but if he was honest, he was more angry at himself for being unable to just move on from what happened.

There was a new transfer student. At least, that's what the other students were told. Other than Y/n, who Irina had told about the robot before hand. While the rest of class stared at the black box in confusion, Y/n sat in her seat next to it and waited for it to turn on. Finally, when it did, everyone stared in shock as it spoke.

Karasuma seemed pretty pissed that they had a robot as a student now, and that the government seemed to think that it was necessary to have such a thing in the classroom. Y/n found it ridiculous that they weren't allowed to hurt the thing considering it was not an actual person, but bit her tongue. 

As soon as the lesson started, guns came out of the side of the robot and did not hold back in the slightest as it started to shoot at the big yellow teacher. Y/n jumped back as the guns started blazing for a second time, and watched as a "Finger" or the teachers flew off. The thing claimed that there was an extremely high chance at killing Koro-Sensei by the end of the year, and Y/n merely rolled her eyes. She would stop this thing before it could kill the octopus, though she would hold back for a while.

The robot continued ruining lessons through the day, making the other students hate it. The next day, Terasaka had taped the guns closed so that it wouldn't shoot all class again. 

Y/n had expected such from a kid like him, but what she didn't expect was how the robot had changed by the next day. It had a full body and a personality. She had a weak spot for cute people, and now that the robot had a personality Y/n was weak for her.

"Awe, you're so cute now! Please don't be an ass still, though. I don't want to hate you," She smiled with a slight blush. Karma was alarmed at the change in attitude from the girl and blushed at how different she was acting, not knowing how else to word it.

Half way through the day, Y/n was pretty tired of how perfect the robot was. Y/n could admit that she was technically disliking it for the same reason Karma disliked her, but at least she was human.

The thing was given a name, and everyone started referring to her as a girl because of the personality change, which Y/n found quite dumb but went along with it. It wasn't like she had been through any weirder. 

Yet another day passed, and Ritsu had free will. Y/n was irked that this robot was now little miss perfect and was basically human, other than the fact that it couldn't technically die, but shrugged it off. She assumed her hate for the girl was from her hate of most technology, so she tried to ignore it as best she could as Ritsu talked with her classmates.

"Ne, Y/n? Why so pissed?" Karma leaned on Y/n's desk with a smirk on his face. She brushed him off, knowing he was trying to anger her more. 

"I just hate technology," He cocked his head to the side cutely, Y/n blushing in response and gritting her teeth, not in the mood to become weak.

"Eh? I thought you said she was cute?" He leaned down to her level.

"That was until I realized that a robot with free will is basically a perfect being," Karma started laughing at her, and Y/n hit him softly upside the head.

"What's the big deal?"

"That's the exact reason I don't like you, you know. Tch, how hypocritical," He teased.

"You- At least I'm actually human and worked to be like this! And I'm not perfect, you just don't know me well enough!"


The reason for the character hating technology will be revealed later. No, it was not just put in for the hell of it

I wanted to watch the live action movie (Though, honestly, it looks horrible. Other than Koro-Sensei and Itona) but I can't find an English dub

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