Gakushu Asano

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Midterms were arriving once again, and Koro-sensei apologized for giving the class the rule of passing the test in the top fifty. 

Within this conversation, the class started to talk about the principal teaching A class for the midterms. 

"Poor kids, that guy's a monster," Y/n said, resting her cheek in her palm.

"And we have an actual monster as a teacher, which is surprisingly easier," Nagisa responded, grimacing.


When the class let out, the students walked together to the bottom of the hill, and ran into the son of the principal himself, Gakushu Asano. He wanted a deal with E class, to beat A class to kill his fathers pride.

"You want us to drag his legacy through the mud?"

"Oh, of course he does," Y/n suddenly spoke, walking to the front of the group to face Asano. "Do you all seriously think that the monster that is our principal raised this boy correctly?" She turned to her class, seemingly standing up for Asano, who was supposed to be their enemy. "No, that guy wouldn't know the first thing about parenting. He raised Asano to be the perfect boy, but no one is perfect. We all have our flaws. Now, what do you think the principal raised Asano to do?" The class looked at each other in confusion, unsure what Y/n was doing. 

"To beat him to a pulp, so to say. To crush his legacy and make an even better one," Karma piped up, in a grim tone. Y/n nodded, turning to the wide eyed strawberry blonde haired boy. 

"How does he do that? Hatred. His ways of teaching are so brutal, that the only thing keeping A class from turning against him is the hatred they all share for us. As long as they have a reason to hate us, they will be following his ways without a second thought, and will go crazy with hatred in the process,"

"I don't know how you all got such a wise person in your class, but she's right," Y/n stepped aside to let the boy walk in front of the class, and she watched with an overly cocky look on her face. "Hatred only gets you so far, and only losing keeps that hatred at bay. I'm asking you to please give the teacher perspective, help them learn what it's like to lose," Asano bowed to class, and it was silent for a few moments as everyone let his words sink in.

Y/n was proud of Asano, to not have giving into his fathers terrible ways any longer. He was fighting against what he was raised to be. She had a new found respect for the arrogant guy.

"Ha, that's big of you and all, but let me tell you right now: I'm actually going to be the one to take the top spot," Karma talked down to Asano, and didn't stop until Y/n smacked him on the head. She was a little late, though, as she was too flustered at first.

"As attractive it is when you do that, Karma, we do not need that at the moment,"

"You're attracted to that?" Asano asked Y/n as Karma got his bearings again, just in time for him to start beating Terasaka. 

"Yeah, but you're attractive too, Asano. Don't get me wrong," Heat rose to Asano's cheeks, but faded when Isogai started talking.

"Don't over think it, just bring it on. Come at us like you want us dead,"

"Very well, I'll fight with my gloves off, too,"

"Don't get too cocky there, Gakushu~ You don't only have Karma as a rival," Asano's eyes shot to the cocky h/c haired girl. "You tend to forget that I tied with you on first place in the finals. Work your ass off, or I'll take that place for myself," He shuddered, but plastered a fake smirk on his face as he walked back into the school.

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