Lets Try To Save Him

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"It's not like you to call all of out here, Nagisa, Y/n," 

The class surrounded the two small students, confused on their intent. Nagisa looked serious, while a wide grin was spread across Y/n's face. 

"I'm not even sure it's possible," Nagisa glanced at Y/n nervously, and she winked at him in response.

"But instead of killing Koro-Sensei," She continued, smiling at the blue haired boy and taking his hand.

"We think we should try to save him," They said at the same time, both with eyes closed, but Y/n having a smile on her face.


"Where do we start?"

"We don't know,but" Nagisa started.

"We figure if we all put our heads together, we can figure something out," Y/n looked determined, her cocky smile never wavering. 

Half the class started agreeing to the two, mostly with smiles on their faces.

"I really hate to be the one to spoil the mood, but I'm against it," 

"Rio..." Y/n reached out helplessly, the smile faltering as she watched her closest friend step out from the shadows of the trees.

"We're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond,"

Others in the class started to go against Y/n and Nagisa.

"Always the talented ones, figuring whatever the odds, in the end, things will all work out," Everyone looked at Karma, who was still in the shadows. "Wow, look at you, getting a little full of yourself there, chief. Granted you're the most talented one in class, aside from her maybe, but I'll get to her, too," Y/n grit her teeth and watched as Karma stopped leaning on the tree and walked closer to her and the bluenette. 

"Woa, woa, where is this coming from?I'm just telling you how I feel!"

"Seriously, back off, Karma," Y/n stepped between the two and gave Karma a menacing glare.

"Oh, yeah, and you. Little miss full of herself. The one who claimed she could kill the guy this whole time, and yet has not proved that worth squat,"

"Watch what you say, man,"

"This is your job. You have to kill him, or you don't get paid. I'm sure it has put a pretty sizable dent in your bank account to not kill him, so what's your deal?" The class waited with baited breath for her response. "It's your job to kill this guy, and you're bailing out on us? What kind of assassin are you? You're supposed to have no feelings, and now you're going soft for your target? How pathetic,"

"Karma, you might want to ba-,"

"Shut it, Nagisa!" Karma snapped, making the blue haired boy flinch back, Kayano holding onto his shoulder in a comforting way. "I want to hear her answer. So what is it, L/n? Why are you, a supposed ruthless killer, and one of the top assassins in the game, going soft on him?" When Y/n did not respond, instead opting to letting her hair cast a shadow over her face, Karma grabbed the collar of her shirt, yelling. "Huh? Are you so full of yourself that you can't tell me why you're giving up on your job? You think you're so much better than me that you can ignore me when I'm talking to you? Little miss perfect?" When he had finished his yelling, he saw tears cascading down the girls face. The look she held was anger, yet she was crying like she was heartbroken. 

"If you gave any shits for me lately and weren't whoring around and flirting with every girl you laid your eyes on, you would know that I quit my assassination job last week!" No one dared to speak. This argument had twisted into something else. Something very personal, that no one knew about except the two shouting at each other. 

"So you really are confirming that your'e opting out on us, huh? You quit because the times got hard? How did you kill before, when you've been so damn soft with us? You've cried so many times, you've given into me so many times-,"

"Karma-," Y/n growled, getting interrupted again,

"You have submitted to me oh so easily so many times, Y/n. How could that person kill?" Y/n's face flared up in red, glancing at the looks on some of their classmates faces. Most were slightly red, realizing what Karma meant, and it only made her more angry with the red head. "How have you become so soft?"

"Did you not listen to Koro-Sensei's life story? Did you not take in to the fact that he fell in love, and it made him a better person?" She growled despite the hot tears trailing down her cheeks. 

"So you fell in love. Ha, likely story. What kind of assassin falls in love on the job? What kind of assassin falls in love at all? Oh, I know, Professor Bitch! I see it runs in the family!" Karma pulled Y/n closer to his snarling face, his fangs obvious and angry. 

"And she had become so much better because of it,"

"You haven't, you just became that much more stuck up. You don't want to assassinate Koro-Sensei because it will sacrifice your love? What, are you in love with the octopus?" She shook her head no with the little bit of wiggle room she had. "Then who, huh? Who would be sacrificed if we kill the teacher?"

"Killing him has nothing to do with the person. I have a better outlook on who I can be because of them both. I started getting softer when I started falling in love, and it only made me realize what the world would be losing if Koro-Sensei died,"

"Not losing the Earth, that's for damn sure. Is he worth the Earth, L/n? is that what your precious love taught you? Then they really must be a piece of shit then, huh? Ha," Y/n offered a bitter smile. "assassinating him is what this entire class is made of. You're just trying to find a loophole! You want to undermine what Koro-Sensei's done? Or do you have the mind and body of a ten year old?" Karma yelled at them both now, and Y/n let her hair cast a shadow on her face again, followed by Nagisa. 

Karma watched Nagisa, being the one that was not in his grasp.

"The itty bitty mouse wanna roar? Think he can take on a lion?" Karma let go of Y/n, going towards Nagisa. Karma shoved Nagisa as he started to speak. "Got something to say? Kick my ass and you can say whatever you like," He shoved Nagisa again. "Oh, don't be shy. Show me what you're made of," He kept shoving the poor boy, and Nagisa refused to fight back. Until he finally snapped, wrapping his legs around Karma's neck.

This caused a domino effect of things, Karma slamming Nagisa to the ground, and then starting to lift him up again. Karma lifted his fist to punch the boy, before getting held back by Isogai and Maehara.

"Let him go!" Y/n suddenly shouted, making the two boys loosen their grip on Karma in shock. The red  head broke free before the two could get a grip on him again, and he charged towards Nagisa. In a flash, Karma was on the ground, a bruise starting to form on his cheek from the punch Y/n had thrown at him.

"Why, you-,"

"You're right, the guy I fell in love with his a piece of shit! I can't believe I fell for him, either!" The boy shot up from his place on the ground, and stopped for a second as he saw the girl with webs all around her, and her eyes glowing red. He got back to his senses and charged at her, tackling her to the ground. He landed a single hit to her face before she flipped their positions, and kneed him in the gut. "A selfish," she grabbed his collar harshly, choking him. "Cocky ass," Her other hand took and handful of his hair, pulling his face up as she partially stood. He grabbed helplessly at her legs, trying to make her fall, only earning kicks to his arms. "Sadistic piece of utter garbage!" As she was about to knee him in the face and knock him out, she was grabbed back by Itona and Nakamura. Karma got the same treatment when he tried to charge back at her. 


I finished the book today, so chapters will be published more frequently until the last chapter is published!

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