Paint Fight

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Koro-Sensei, after noticing the fight, set up a paintball fight for the class to settle their differences. Whichever side won would have their way, and the other side would have to give in to their wishes.

When the whole class picked their teams, they were called to begin.

Right as it did, five were taken down within the first two minutes. One from Chiba and Hayami, Three from Kanzaki. Soon after, Kanzaki was taken down by Karma.

Karma was good, but Y/n was better. She stayed in the shadows, knowing that the class would take each other down one by one. It would be close cut, even without her. She decided to wait to move until there were not many left.

Karma realized that when half of each team was taken out. Neither she nor Nagisa were found. That was until he popped out of no where, attacking and successfully getting down Nakamura and her defense team. This left only Karma, Nagisa, Maehara, and Y/n, with Y/n still yet to be found.

Nearly everyone had expected her to go on a rampage on getting down her enemies, to prove that she could Kill the octopus like Karma said he doubted, but she didn't. In fact, she got no one down. It was like she didn't exist at all.

Everyone watched, holding their breath, most forgetting that Y/n was still there.

Through the battle that Nagisa and Karma had, the ones who remembered that Y'n was still on the battle field had forgotten. All except for Karasuma and the teacher himself

When Karma got the knife, and Nagisa was pinning him down, he hesitated to hit the boy with the paint. In the end, he decided he had to. He still had one more opponent, just as important as the one he was battling in that moment. He had not forgotten. How could he?

He softly placed the knife on the blue haired boys back, and Karasuma called out for Nagisa to let Karma go. Karma looked around as he caught his breath, making sure Y/n was not going for an attack while he was already weak like he expected. She didn't, and after a while of waiting, he wandered his way back into the forest.

She was smart. She would play the waiting game as long as she had to, so he had to go to her whether he liked it or not.

He was on guard the whole way, but that was not enough. She was quiet as she swung down from a tree, kicked his knife out of his hand, and disappeared into the greenery again, without a trace of where she went. His head whipped around quickly, seeing spider webs surrounding him. Everything pulsed from red tinted to their normal color.

'Fuck, she got my knife. And in all these leaves, there's no way I can find it in time,' Despite what he thought, he went on the search. As soon as he started to walk, though, she swung down again and straddled him in the chest, letting go of the vine she was swinging from and knocking him to the ground. He struggled, but being previously choked out twice, he was already out of breath the moment she hit his chest.

He growled, angry that it was the way he was losing. He should have given that win to Nagisa, not her. At least he still had respect for Nagisa.

"Are you going to paint me or what?" He asked in an angered and bored tone. She shook her head no, grabbing him by the hair and dragging him to the base of a nearby tree. Despite his struggling, it was no use to get away from her unless he wanted scalped.

"Not yet. I know you won't talk to me any other time, so now is my time. You have to talk to me now, if you ever want this game to end," She said dryly, sitting securely on his lap so he could not stand up.

"And why do I have to answer you?" He asked, bored and annoyed.

"Because I won't end the game until you do, and it doesn't seem like you have an option right now," He growled, being caught, glaring into her now red glowing eyes.

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