Kayano's Revenge

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Nagisa and Kayano were cleaning the shed from the props from the play, having quite the moment, when something no one expected happened.

Nagisa and Koro-Sensei's backs were turned, and tentacles sprouted from the small girls neck. She tackled the teacher out the sheds wall, and into the ground. They shot out, the teacher panting, and Kayano stood atop the shed, having long hair now. 

The truth about Kayano were shoved in the faces of everyone around, Kayano was not who she said she was. She had gone against everyone. She was the little sister of the old teacher of class E. The one that had died. 

She was also a great actor, before she had suddenly disappeared. 

While most of the class knew all of this, Y/n was in a loss. She tugged on Karma's sleeve with a questioning look on her face.

"Who's her sister? And she was an actor? I'm so confused," She said with a clueless look. Karma shrugged her off, and gave her a look saying he would explain later. 


The class followed Koro-Sensei to the meeting place Kayano had placed. 

Kayano told the class that Koro-Sensei killed her sister. Though the class tried to convince her otherwise, she went batshit and made a circle of fire. There was only bloodlust in her eyes, taken over by the tentacles. It was a matter of time before she was completely taken over, and the tentacles killed her. 

Though the outer Kayano was taken over, the inside was crying for help.

The teacher explained that they needed to get Kayano's mind off of killing him, even for just a moment so that her tentacles could be removed. Y/n stared at Nagisa, waiting for him to jump into action. Though she was so confused on what was happening, she knew that he was the perfect one to stop Kayano's attacks. 

For the time that Koro-Sensei had grabbed her, Nagisa approached the crazed girl, and attached his lips to hers. 

Everyone seemed to have different reactions to the kiss, and Y/n's was going wide-eyed and her heart race increasing. This did not keep her from teasing Nagisa about the kiss once he was in range. 


Koro-Sensei gave the class his life story. starting with him being The Reaper.

"I knew that asshat was not The Reaper. I have always based myself off of you, Sensei," Y/n bowed to the octopus, everyone surprised of her outburst. "I didn't want to believe that my idol of assassination had become such a horrid person. I am glad it was wrong," Koro-Sensei placed a tentacle on her head as he continued. 

The story of his childhood reminded Irina and Y/n of themselves they listened. Growing in poverty, and learning to kill at an early age. Eventually being taken by government workers, though Y/n and Irina were lucky where they ended up compared to him.

The rest of his story was completely different, that was obvious to say. 

He was tested on like a lab rat, turning him into the creature that stood before the class. He befriended Kayano's sister when she came to check his progress. In the end, that caused hers. She tried to get him to come back, when he had destroyed the whole facility, and had miscalculated where she stood. 

The old Kayano watched as the tentacled creature flew away, leaving her dead sister on the ground, and from there on, she had vowed to kill the man that caused her sisters demise. 

She now realized how everything was a misunderstanding.

The whole class understood their teacher, when previously, they had known nothing. Everything became clear to them, and killing the guy became that much harder. They now knew how much of a good guy he was, when they had only assumed it before. Even for Y/n, the thought of killing her teacher had tugged her heart. 


Stay safe and away from young children and old folks please. You may be able to fend off the virus just fine, but you can still be a carrier and give it to others!

I've also heard that they are making all old folks stay in their houses for like 2 weeks, and might make everyone do that so :/ I wanna see my bf and will only be able to ft him through that time. Touch deprivation here I come

I'm also legit a little worried but I am trying to stay as calm as possible because panicking is not good either

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