Hell Breaks Loose

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Koro-Sensei seemed excited about the year book, having taken many pictures for it through the year. Most pictures that were taken were without permission, such as Isogai trying to find valuable plants in the woods, Okuda blowing up something when mixing the wrong chemicals, Y/n painting on her wall, and Rio and Karma dressing Nagisa up in girl clothes.

Most of the students ripped up pictures they did not like. Though Y/ns face was red at the fact that he had taken the picture of her painting, she didn't rip it up like other classmates did.

The teacher, upon seeing his students tearing up the photos, decided they needed to take more.


What everyone thought would be a nice normal day, turned to hell by night fall.

Y/n was painting another mural on her wall when a bright light shone through her window, illuminating everything in a deep red light. looking outside, she saw the light was coming from the school hill, and she gulped, looking at the person on the other side of her that had opened his window at the light as well. The two made eye contact, and nodded before shutting the windows and racing down stairs.

It seemed that many students had the same idea, as the whole class ran to the bottom of the hill to see what was going on. 

The whole city had been informed about their teacher. As they all collected together, news reporters surrounded them. Y/n raced to the front and shoved herself in the cameras view. 

"I am a government sent worker who was sent here to gather information and weaknesses on the creature, and I have gathered that he is little to no threat," She shoved her old badge into the cameras view as a group of the reporters watched her in shock. "Listen to me or be shown as fools to all of your viewers. He is no threat, and what you all have been fed about him is lies. Be on your way, the situation is under control," Her classmates gawked at how controlled and serious her voice was as some of the reporters disbanded and walked off after hearing her.

Karasuma showed up and made the rest of the reporters leave, and brought the class into protective custody. 

"Seeing you so calm and collected was... Something," Karma mumbled to Y/n as the class was driven to the shelters in the back of government trucks. 

"I'm used to it. It clicks at the best of times. It got the truth out at least a little bit," She responded coldly, it being visible that her mind was running a million miles a minute. 

"Look, we are going to have to work together to get this to all work out for the best for us," Karma started, sighing. "I know our class, we wont give up now. I just want to make sure that you and I will be able to work together with no tension," He stated, giving her a serious look. She did not look at him as she answered. 

"I'm an ex-professional. Of course," she responded in a clear, serious voice. It pained him to hear her talking like she was on the job. He thought she was getting better, acting like a normal teenager, but it all went down the hole when things got serious.

"You are still allowed to have emotions, Y/n," The trucks stopped and the doors opened, letting the class out. "Let's talk about this when we have the time," He gave her one last glance before hopping out of the truck with the rest of the students, and they were lead to a shelter with Karasuma.

What Karma said about the class not giving up. In fact, Karausma was subtly telling them that he didn't want them to either. The class was escorted to their homes.

"Karma," The red head opened the door after hearing a hesitant knock, only to see the h/c haired girl standing on his porch with her assassination gear in hand. He nodded knowingly and opened the door for her, and she walked in as if she was child protective services checking the home to see if it was fit for the child that lived there. 

"Did you want to come over to talk about us or the plan?" He asked as he sat on the couch. She stayed standing and looked down to him, seeing the helpless look in his eyes as he expected her to say the plan. That is the answer she wanted to say, but she knew they had to talk about their relationship before everything was over. 

"Us," His eyes softened and tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, but he blinked them away.  There was a short lived silence as she sat down, and Karma quickly took her place as he stood before falling to the floor in front of her, making her eyes widen.

"I-," His voice broke and he cleared his throat. "I know all that I said and did is terrible, and I'm not able to take any of it back now, but I have to apologize for it," He paused, looking up at her expectingly before continuing, seeing she was not going to take that wimpy apology. "I thought there was no way that someone like you would actually be interested in me, since you were an actual assassin for so long and I was a wannabe. I thought you were just messing around, because for the first time in your life, you could. You wanted a taste of what you had been missing, and the thought was eating me alive," He sucked in a big breath, "So to try to get over you, I messed around, too. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything serious with anyone other than you. No matter how hard I tried, you wouldn't leave my head. I thought if you hated me then I could get over you, but even through your harsh glares and cold voice, I could not get you out. I'm sorry," He softly held her hand, looking her in the eyes with his own glossy ones. "For everything I did, and for taking so long. I didn't think you'd want to talk to me again, but I knew that after the teacher was gone, or saved, there was no way I would ever get you back," Karma let his head hang in shame as he waited for a response of any kind. He expected her to scream at him or leave, but he felt a hand on his head.

"I was the same way, but less extreme. Because of the situation, I'll let it go. You're just lucky that hell is breaking loose," He nodded and hugged her without thinking, his heart jumping out of his chest.

"Can we just go back to normal?" He begged as he shoved his face in her stomach, gripping onto her tightly. He had missed her warmth, her touches. He decided, right in that moment, that he would never take her touches for granted again.

"I can't do that, Karma," He gripped onto her harder, but made no sound as he waited for her explanation as to why. "You said such mean things. You made me sound easy to the class. You outed me. You broke my trust. It will take a while to get that back," He nodded into her stomach as his face scrunched up in frustration.


2 more chapters!

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