Y/n's Extra Training

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The next week after Itona had started class, Y/n wasn't at school. Most of the class didn't notice, but the red head did. He didn't try to, of course, but he noticed that he stopped hearing witty remarks from next to him during class, and no longer saw a H/c haired girl walk to school in front of him every morning. He tried to act like he didn't care, but Karasuma noticed that his mind was elswhere during PE.

"Y/n is at the training facility this week," The man said quickly as he passed the red head after school one day. 


"You've been distracted. I assumed you were wondering where your neighbor went," Karma was quiet for a moment as the man walked away, but caught up to him.

"Yeah. Why is she there? Isn't she good already?" Karasuma nodded, turning to walk into the faculty room.

"Her "boss" is getting mad that she hasn't killed the octopus yet, because he knows she can. He's getting suspicious," The man pulled his lap top out of his bag. "He's basically going to make her go through intense training all week, hoping that it gets to her,"


Y/n came back that next monday, and Karma saw her walking in front of him to school once again. He noticed bandages she had wrapped around her dominant hand and traveling up her arm slightly, and several bruises that littered her body. He didn't say anything just yet, deciding to wait for when they are in the classroom, and everyone else that notices the marks would join in on their conversation.

She was slow walking up the hill that lead to their classroom, and finally made it inside. she stayed close to the wall as she walked the way to her desk, and sat down, immediantly putting her head down. Karma tapped her on the shoulder, and she whinned, him turning pink at the sound.

"What, Karma?" She tried not to sound annoyed, because she knew that her being annoyed was not his fault.

"What's up with this," He softly held her hand in his, running his finders over her bandages. " And all the bruises? Karasuma told me about your training, but I didn't think they'd hurt you," Y/n was too tired to think about the fact that he cared about her, and simply answered with a shrug. 

"I've worked with them for so long that they know I can take it," She responded, and yawned.

"Who hurt my poor Y/n!" Rio ran up and engulfed Y/n in a hug, making the smalled girl wince as her body ached at the contact. Rio was off of her quickly. 

"Idiot, if she's hurt, then you shouldn't touch her," Karma scolded the blonde haired girl.

"Hai, Hai. Gomennasai, Y/n,"

"It's fine, Rio," The octopus-like teacher slithered into the classroom and told the kids to quiet down to start working. Y/n couldn't focus on class, and instead was jotting down everything she could think of that could help her train. 


"Until that creature is dead, you will train your ass off so I know you aren't slacking. I know you could have killed that thing by now, so why haven't you?" The boss questioned Y/n as she sparred with a practice goon.

"The octopus is stronger than you think. Don't underestimate him. Trust me, he has gotten the best of the whole class and more," Y/n came up with a half-assed excuse, but it sounded believable enough for the boss as he sighed heavily. 

"Then you will train until you match his strength, no rest. You got that?" Y/n knocked down the goon, and more soon charged at her. She wiped her brow, which started to sweat from dodging and fighting all the people at once. 

"Yes sir,"


End of class came, and she quickly gathered her things, slinging her bag over her shoulder. 

"Y/n, I've missed you! How about we hang out?" Rio cried out as she softly wrapped her arms around the shorter girls neck.

"I can't, Rio. Busy. Gomen," Karma was suspicious. When Y/n was not at the junk yard or school, she was always home. He decided to follow her when she left the classroom, and ended up at the junk yard. Following her inside, and through all the junk thrown all over, she came to clearing that was from an off-path of the make shift shooting range.

She stripped off her shirt, and Karma averted his gaze. After a few moments, he turned back to see the girl was wearing a tank top and shorts, along with a pair of boots.

Karma watched for twenty minutes as she beat several make-shift punching bags until the stuffing came pouring out of them, and when she ran out of in tact-bags she started aiming at carboard targets around the area with knives. She was wheezing and shook with every movement she made. He felt like she was going to collapse at any moment, but she never did.

"He-," He tried to call out, and in a second there was a knife to his neck, and she was huffing and puffing in front of him. When she realized it was him, she weakly let him go.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a small voice. He held her shoulders and slowly pushed her down, making her sit on the ground, and sat next to her.

"Why are you training like this? You just got back," He asked, taking the knife out of her hand and placing it next to him on the ground. 

"I'm getting weak, acting like I'm just your every day teenager. Training with the boss made me realize that. I need to train more than just that stupid test thing every day. I have to get stronger," Y/n attempted to stand up, but her leg gave up to her and she fell to the ground.

"You aren't getting stronger being like this," She stayed silent for a moment, not being able to think of something to defend herself. "You're self destructing. That's all this is accomplishing," He softly held her arm, but was rough enough that she knew he was serious.

"What do you care?" She nearly yelled, using some of the small bit of energy she had left to jerk away from his touch. "You're supposed to be heartless, teasing everyone. Not being afraid to get in a fight. What, are you going soft, too?" She tried to yell, but her wheezing was making her lose her voice. He stared at her, shocked at her outburst.

"I may not care about your every day person, but I won't let my classmates hurt themselves," Was all he said, walking up to her. She backed away until her back hit a totaled car, and he wrapped his arms around her. After struggling for a few moments, her weak body gave up on her, and she gave in to his embrace. He pulled away, looking seriously into her eyes. "I'll be watching you. You are not allowed to train until you are completely healed,"

She didn't want to comply, but at that moment she was way weaker than he was. She couldn't fight back. He knew full well of that, and was taking advantage of it.

"Stop being so hard on yourself. You're still a teenager, even if you are more dangerous than most of us,"

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