Irina's Birthday

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Irina's birthday was past, and only Y/n had remembered on time. She got Irina a nice necklace, and made her dinner. Irina cried into Y/n's shoulder as they sat on the couch and was supposed to be watching a movie, but Irina was heartbroken that Karasuma had not even wished her a happy birthday.


The whole class knew that Karasuma was a blockhead about romance, but they also knew that Karasuma was no doubt interested in his attractive woman coworker.

Y/n was not a part of trying to set the two up, though. She had decided to be the person to help Irina if their plan didn't work out and she was still bummed out about the guy. If Y/n was involved in the plan, Irina would only get mad at her if it went south.

Some of the class seperated the two adults as the other half of the class got Irina a gift that Karasuma was going to give her.

"Everything end up okay with that man?" Asked the guy who called the ambulance when the old man was jumped on a few weeks prior. Nagisa explained that things ended up fine, and the guy decided to help the class get Irina a gift, telling them that flowers was a good idea.

"What about something like this? In this day n age, we can have anything we want. But flowers is still the go to gift. Ever wonder why that is?" Everyone made a questioning noise. "Flowers are the ideal metaphor for the human condition,"

"You're a persuasive salesman, sir,"

"Quite the poetic little speech. That calculator part of the symbolism?" The class looked at eachother, wondering if the flowers was a good idea for the gift for Irina. 

"I'll throw in an extra few flowers for anyone planning to confess to someone anytime soon," The salesman winked at the group, and Karma thought about it.

"I'll take the extras. How about it, guys?" Okuda blushed, and nodded frantically, while the rest of the group decided that it would be an alright girft. 


Before the class gave the flowers to Irina, Karma decided to give his flowers to the person of his choice.

"Hey, Y/n, what have you been doing since you aren't involved in all of this?" He asked cooly with his hand behind his back, leaning over her desk so he could see over her shoulder into her notebook.

"Planning how to cheer Irina up when Karasuma no doubt fucks up your guys' plan somehow. He's a total blockhead when it comes to romance, you know. He'll mess it up somehow," She sighed and slumped her shoulders, leaning her head back to look at the red head. "So, what did you guys get her?" She asked with a small smile. 

"More like, what did we get the both of you," She looked confused until her pulled out a small bundle of three blood red roses with a string tying the flowers together. "I decided to get you some as well. You've been working yourself to the bone lately, so you deserve something nice," He smiled genuinely at the girl, with a hard blush on his cheeks, as she took the flowers.

"Ah, what has gotten into you? The Karma Akabane being romantic?" She smirked, though her blush never faltered. 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I was hoping for a little something in return," He smirked now, a devilish glint in his eye as he took the flowers from her hands and placed them on her desk. He then walked closer, her backing up into the wall, and pinning her wrists on either side of her waist.

"That's... More like the Karma I know," She breathed heavily, anticipating what she knew he would do next. After chuckling, he leaned forward and planted his lips on hers, slowly raising her hands to be pinned above her head with one hand. His free hand went down her arms, and stayed at her cheek for a few moments before sliding down to hold securely on her waist. He pulled their hips together, earning a small grunt from the girl. 

The session got progressively heated until they heard Kayano screeching.

"Karma, lets go give the flowers to Karasuma-Sensei now! If you haven't done whatever you were going to do by now, do it when we're done!" Y/n quickly pushed Karma off of her and smoothed her hair down to make it less obvious what was happening. "Oh, Y/n! You wanna watch your cousin fall in love~?" Kayano asked when she walked in and saw the other girl.

"Nah, no thanks. In the chance that Karasuma messes up, I have to be far away from the incident and act like I knew nothing about it, or she'll be mad at all of us," Kayano nodded promptly and walked out of the classroom again. Karma grabbed and lifted Y/n's chin, with a glint in his eye.

"We'll finish this later," He said in a husky voice before moving away and leaving the classroom as well. Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and put a hand through her hair. She picked up the flowers and went to a tree on the outside of the forest, reading on her phone until either a classmate came to her telling her it worked, or her cousin came to her fuming.


Karma had managed to convince Karasuma to give the flowers to the blonde woman, and left the man alone. The group signaled the rest of the class to leave Irina alone so that she would leave the area and go back to Karasuma in the faculty room.

But Karasuma had managed to fuck it up somehow, which Y/n was not too surprised about. Irina rushed out of the school, and to her cousin who was leaning against a tree as she read something on her phone. Y/n followed smoothly as her cousin walked down the hill, the blonds heels digging into the dirt as she stomped away.

"Ah! I am so pissed off right now! Karasu- to hell with that! More like Crapsuma. Damnit, hard to say!"

"He's a total blockhead, cuz. I'm ninety-nine percent sure he has fallen for you and all that was a façade, trying to stay professional. Y'know? He's an idiot," Irina stayed silent for a moment, in thought.

"Y/n... Would you be mad if I left?" The blonde woman asked softly. Y/n dropped her flowers in shock.

"Wh-What? Of course I would, idiot!" The woman looked down slightly. 

"I don't have anything left here. Maybe I can just go back to my normal work,"


"Excuse me, ladies," A man walked closer to the two girls, looking specifically at the blonde one. "May I have a word with this woman, in private?" The man asked. Y/n looked him up and down, and she could tell there was a false sense of innocence in his appearance. 

"I'd prefer to stay here, if you please," She responded. Irina stayed put, watching the stare down of the other two.

"What do you need me for? I'm not in a mood to get hit on," She said, leaning on her car.

"No, that's not what I'm here for at all. I'm here for an offer. 


No matter how hard Y/n begged the woman to not go with the man, she couldn't stop her, and decided that it would be safer to go with her and to at least help her if things went wrong. Neither girls were completely sure of what the man meant by "Getting revenge on that stupid man", but Irina seemed to buy it. Y/n felt sick about the whole situation, but did not feel right about leaving the woman alone with this guy she had just met.

After a while of sitting in the car, going to wherever that man was bringing her and her cousin, Y/n felt light headed. She struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Irina, he-," Y/n dry heaved. "Knock...ou," Y/n was out like a light, her cousin confusingly looking at her from the front seat. 

"Wow, maybe she's sick. Don't worry, once we get there I'll let her get some rest to feel better," The man said to assure Irina. And though Irina looked worriedly back at her now sleeping cousin, her anger blinded her and she looked back forward at the road. 


Planning one of two books that are also going to be Karma X Readers, but I am not going to write them until I finish this one. I have learned from past mistakes that if I write multiple books at a time, I focus more on one and don't update the others quickly, and end up in burnout easily.

I'm getting really anxious, though. I wanna start~. I'll try to finish this one up quickly, and get on to the next book. That does not mean that the chapters quality will decline though, I have plenty of plans~

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