The Night at Karma's

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"Well, this is my stop," Y/n stopped walking, making Karma look at her confusingly. 

"You're going to hang out at the junk yard again?"

"Not exactly," She shook her head no. "I'm going to stay here tonight. I don't want to deal with that trap. I'm in too good a mood to~" Karma's face went slightly pink, and he put his hand on his neck.

"You can't stay in the junk yard over night, idiot,"

"Eh? Why not? I-,"

"Nope, you're going to stay at my place, unless you'd rather go back to your own," He grabbed her ear and dragged her along with him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Fine!"


The two reached Karma's house, Karma dragging Y/n the whole way so she wouldn't escape.

"Karma~ Why do you care so much anyways?" The girl asked as they reached the front door of the boys house. 

"I don't, it just gives me blackmail material, and I can make you flustered all night~" He gave her a cheeky smile before opening the door and walking inside. Y/n pouted and shut the door behind her. 

"Like I'd care whatever blackmail you think this gives you. And try to make me flustered all you want, I won't buy it," She muttered as she removed her shoes next to the door.

"How polite~" The red head teased. She stood up, flicking his forehead.

"Of course I'd be. You're letting me into your home," Y/n paused, looking around the large room. "Say, where's your parent's, Karma?" She asked softly, afraid that he either only had one, or none, like her.

"They're both really high up in the chain, and are always working out of state," He shrugged, seemingly unfazed by it, and walked to the couch. Y/n let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding and followed him.

"Does it get lonely here?" She asked softer than before. He looked at her with confusion as to why she was acting so strange all of a sudden, then shrugged again.

"Yeah, sure, but I'm usually not home. I try to entertain myself," He responded slightly louder than her, and turned on the television. 

"I can keep you company sometimes, you know. You live right next door, just call me any time, okay?" she turned her head to the side, like a puppy, and offered him a smile. His face flushed and he looked away from the girl, covering his mouth.

"Y-yeah. Sure," 'Why'd I stutter, damn it?'


"Karma, it's getting late. I'm tired~" Y/n yawned, stretching. Her shirt raised slightly, revealing her stomach, and the boy looked away with a light blush.

"Sleep then," He simply said, earning a flick to the forehead. 

"Did you forget? You never told me where I was sleeping," She was close, not giving Karma room for personal space, and his pink dusted his cheeks.

"Why don't you sleep in my bed with me?" He cooed at her, expecting a reaction.

"Eh? Okay," She stood, grabbing on to the boys arm and pulling.

"Wait! You're not going to yell at me?" Y/n cocked her head to the side questioningly. 

"Why would I?"

"...Never mind," She shrugged and pulled him. He lead the way to his bedroom, and plopped on the bed. She followed suit, pushing herself to the edge of the bed as far as possible to have space. 

A few silent moments passed before the boy pulled Y/n near him, digging his face in her neck. 

"K-Karma!" Her face flushed a deep red and her heart started to beat hard in her chest. 

"Don't let a boy sleeping with you, stupid," He mumbled, making Y/n hold her breath as his lips grazed her neck. "Boys have urges, you know. Anyone else might take advantage of you," His fingers gripped the fabric of her shirt angrily. 

"I-..." Y/n started, and stopped, making a thick silence creep onto them. She shifted, turning towards the red head and looking down at his chest. "Karma," She said, finally meeting his eyes. "I... want you to," The boys eyes widened as the reality of what she said sunk in, and he cleared his throat as it started to tighten.

"You... What?" Their voices were no where above a whisper, and both their hearts were beating out of their chests. She softly reached up to cup his cheeks, looking in to his eyes as she saw panic swirling inside them. Pausing, she waited for some kind of sign to either pull away or continue. He held his breath, his grip on her shirt tightening further. Finally, he made a move.

He let out his breath slowly, and took in a big breath before kissing her softly. 

It started off slow and gentle, their lips moving in sync, her hands weaving in his red locks. The red head softly bit her lip, and she tugged his hair, edging him on and telling him that he could be rougher.

Deciding to test his limits, he traced his hand up until it was securely in her hair, and tugged, her moaning. He groaned as she bit his lip. One of her hands stayed in his hair, and the other traveled down slightly, pulling on the collar of his shirt. She undid two buttons before he pulled her on top of him, and she let go of his shirt in surprise. His lips left hers, and they traveled down her jaw to her neck, latching on to a spot and biting, Y/n whimpering as he started to suck on the spot. 

Y/n held her breath as his hand roamed her body slowly, hesitantly. Though he had no ill intent in his actions, she was scared. Karma's hands slid down her waist, and rested on her hips as he left a trail of kissed down her neck to her collar bone, latching on to a spot again. She gasped, his hands running over her thighs and growing higher and she pulled away with a jolt. 

Karma's eyes shot open in shock. He looked at the girl in front of him who, moments ago, held nothing but passion and need, and now was a shaking mess, holding back tears. She shook her head side-to-side, wiping her tears away when they started to fall.

"I'm... Sorry... I'm so... Sorry," Y/n choked back sobs. 

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I go too fast?" The boy asked in an uncharacteristicly soft voice. She shook her head no, looking back up at him. She reached her hands up to cup his cheeks, and kissed him softly. 

"It... Has nothing to do with you," She looked away.


"I'd rather not talk about it... Can we sleep?" Karma takes a minute to process what had happened, and nods his head. 

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