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During PE, Karasuma was struggling to not get hit by Y/n's attacks. He was panting heavily while Y/n flew around him like it was nothing. It was as if she was hanging from a string. Karasuma felt caught, like he was lead into a trap. His eyes widened, seeing Y/n as a black widow. Finally, from being so tired, he tripped and fell backwards onto his butt, and stared up helplessly as Y/n pointed her knife at his throat, smiling sweetly.

"Got you~" She cooed before helping him up. He looked flustered as he congratulated her on defeating him.

"Arigato Karasuma-Sensei!" She smiled cheerily, but then started scratching the back of her neck shyly. Karasuma looked away with a slight blush, though he seemed angered. "I'm a bit rusty though. I usually didn't use direct attacks with my assassinations," She sighed out, looking embarrassed. Though some students were curious on what she did do to assassinate people, they stayed quiet as they continued sparring with their partners.

"Who wants to take me on next?" Karasuma called out to the class. No one said a word, so Nagisa started walking away from Karma.

"I'll try. I don't expect anything though," He said sheepishly. Y/n ruffled his hair with a smile.

"Don't say that, Nagisa! I'm sure you'll do good!" She gave him a thumbs up before taking Nagisa's place as Karmas partner. "Looks like we're partners," She said, smiling at the red head. He didn't look happy in the slightest, but seemed flustered at the same time. Karma took no time to start his attacks on Y/n. It was as if he was trying to prove something to himself, and he attacked relentlessly. He expected her to be taken aback, but she simply smiled as she started dodging easily, light on her feet.

Karma groaned as he dodged another attack, and flew up in the air, using his back to push herself up, knocking him down on his stomach. He flipped on his back right as she came barreling down onto the spot he just was. She giggled, flying around as if gravity hadn't existed. Karmas face was red from anger.

He then got an idea. He started to observe how she decided which direction to dodge at, and used that to his advantage. He kicked off to attack her, but when she dodged, he quickly stopped and went in the direction she dodged and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close. For a second, she was caught off guard and only stared into his orange eyes, then snapped out of it and tried to move, but she was too late. the tip of his knife touched the back of her neck as she tried pulling out of his grasp. He smirked cheekily and let go, her huffing as she was freed.

"Idiot, using dirty tactics!" She whined. She then smacked the side of her head, earning a strange stare from the boy. "I'm an assassin, I need to not get caught up by stupid things like that. I usually only have to assassinate ugly middle-aged men, though. I have no practice with boys my age," She pouted but turned to Karma and held her hand out. "Fair game. Good job. I'll have to practice to not get distracted by that," She said with a small smile. He looked slightly shocked, having previously thought she was just a show off who thought she knew everything. Although he wouldn't stop thinking that, he respected her just a little bit for being mature about losing their sparring match. He knew he wouldn't be.

He took her hand softly, shaking it.

"Just know, when I think I have the hang of it, you'll be the first person I try it on," She smirked as she tightened her grip on his hand slightly. He gave a bored expression back.

"Go for it,"


Since the reader was an assassin since she was young, she was raised to trap people. I will not reveal how or why that is the path of assassination the people made her do, as that will be revealed later on, but that is why Karasuma sees her as a black widow.

Black widows, like any other spiders, lure their prey into their web until they are trapped. But also, the black widow is extremely dangerous, so even humans, strong creatures compared to the spider, are in danger. Karasuma is a professional from the government, and even he was caught by Y/n's web

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