Gaining a Classmate

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A part of the class had decided to sneak out at night, and find who ever was making their teacher look like a bad guy. Y/n tagged along to watch everything unfold.

Their yellow octopus of a teacher attacked the guy who had started to steal the undergarments, and unmasked the guy to be a guy from the government. Itona's caretaker came from the shadows as a cage of anti-sensei fabric surrounded the teacher. Itona flew through the sky, and tumbled down on Koro-Sensei.

"Well, not what I expected, but not too surprising compared the the stunt he pulled last time," Y/n mumbled, the red head nodding at her statement quickly as he watched carefuly. He was so focused that he hadn't gotten embarassed from responding to the girl.

The class came out of hiding to comfront the bastard that had framed their teacher, and Teresaka was the one who showed the most outward anger, yelling at the man in white. 

"When the trust of his students is on the line, this creature panics," Y/n calmly watched the fabric of the container move as her teacher dodged all the boys attacks, knowing he would some how get out of the mess he was in. Sure enough, in moments, the teacher had come up with a scheme.

Itona was shot up into the air, and fell into Koro-Sensei's arms, unconscious for a moment. The started screaming in agony as his tentacles started eating at his brain. His guardian left, and Itona snapped, then ran off. 


No longer than fifteen minutes went by, and their was news of destruction near where the group was in town. They determined it was from Itona, and Koro-sensei brought the students to where the boy was.

Everything happened quickly. Anti-Sensei powder exploaded all around the group, and the guardians goons shot pellets at Koro-sensei as they snatched Itona, and then they were gone. 

Y/n growled as she coughed and wheezed, doubling over as the powder invaded her lungs. 

"No one's hurt, are they? Everyone okay?" Y/n held a thumbs up, unable to respond properly as she basically hacked up a lung. Koro-Sensei was worried, but decided that his priority was getting Itona, and sped off. 

The girl felt a hand patting her back, and looked up to see Nagisa looking down at her with a worried expression.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. She nodded, but he didn't seem convinced. After some more hacking, she pulled out an inhaler and huffed it a few times, panting but no longer coughing when she retracted it from her lips.

Y/n's weakness #1: Asthma


The class, as always, surprised the enemy, and caught Shiro off guard. They successfully took Itona from the guy, but the boy would not accept their help at first. Teresaka took Itona into his group after they learned the boys background.

The class watched as the group tried to cheer up the boy white-haired boy. Y/n wanted to go to bed, go home, because after her asthma attack she was light headed and tired. She only tagged along because she didn't want to do the test. She thought she would fail anyway, with how tired she was. 

"But what do I do while I'm waiting to win? What do I do to pass the time?"

"You be an idiot, like us," Y/n looked up at Teresaka.

"He may be an idiot, but that was pretty smart," Karma looked over to the girl.

"Why don't you take his advice?"

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