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Y/n walked her way to the cliff, and sat at the side, yet not too close.  After she had heard the Karma jumped off the cliff, she was nervous to be too close to the edge. She knew she would not fall, since she had fast reflexes and good balance, but when she looked down, she imagined Karma falling and her unable to help, so she stayed away from it all together. 

The view relaxed her racing mind, and she took out a new notebook that she had gotten before she came to the school that day. She grabbed a pencil, and started to doodle away in it, paying no mind to anything around her as she did so.

Drawing again felt nice, even if she was not too fond of what she was creating, or was even paying attention to what she was doing in the first place. It was calming to let her mind go free, to forget about anything around her and only focus on herself for once. Even though she was acting as a relatively normal kid, she was still always thinking about training and her time assassinating and wondering when she would be forced back into that life. 

Her thoughts got interrupted at another bag falling by her side, and she looked up to see Karma looking down at her. He sat down, and looked forwards. 

"I liked it," was all he said for a minute, letting the words sink in. 

"Thanks," Her cheeks burned like when she told Koro-Sensei about her hobby, except she felt slightly more comfortable with Karma.

"Don't let them get to you. They're idiots, I think we all know that," He said, stealing a glance at the girl.

"Karma Akabane is comforting someone? How rare," She teased with a slight smirk. He got defensive, giving her a surprised look as he raised his hands.

"I thought you were all bummed out from the guys dissing your art?" He asked with a higher voice than ususal, "And you still have the effort to tease me?" He gave her a glare as she giggled. 

"I was trained by military sergeants, that was nothing. Though, it did hurt my ego a little bit," She grimaced slightly as she held her chest. Karma watched, amused.

"Right, how stupid of me," He said in an unamused tone. She bumped his shoulder, a signal she was joking around.

"It's sweet you cared enough to come after me, Karma," She smiled genuinely.

"Any excuse to get out of class. The octopus didn't even call me back when I came after you,"

"Hardy har. You know you care about me, idiot,"

"Maybe, stupid,"

"Definitely, dumb nut,"

"Don't press your luck, peanut brain,"

"At least peanuts have curves, I'm not doing too bad," Karma gave the girl a weird look, to which she responded with a weird look of her own.

"If you want your brain to be curvy, you have some problems," Y/n's weird look turned into a wide smile as she started laughing, tackling him in a hug.

"Thanks for caring enough to come get me, Karma," The red head loosely hung his hands on her waist, shoving his head in her neck, making her giggle. 

As they released from the hug, they looked at each other, not saying a word. Finally, Y/n leaned forward, tilting her head she softly pressed her lips to his. It was the first time they had kissed in a way that was not lustful in any way, and she blushed at that fact. But the blush quickly went away, and she nearly choked when she felt his hand creep its way up her waist to rest right under her breast. Y/n quickly pulled away, giving him a look, trying to figure out why he would touch her like that if there was no lustful intention. Then, she looked into his darkened eyes, and saw the lust that shown beneath them. Realizing that she was playing herself for a fool, and only she felt like there was no lust behind the kiss, she stood.

"Aw, what's the deal?" He asked slyly as he hopped up on his feet as well and wrapped his hands around her waist, leaving butterfly kisses on the back of her neck as she dusted off her skirt. She was silent as she worked, straightening up her clothes, and then turned to him. 

"I want to get back to class. Better luck next time, playboy," She responded calmly, yet he saw straight through that facade. She was upset about something and didn't want him to know, or rather, wanted him to figure it out on his own, so he stayed silent as he followed her back to the classroom they had both ditched

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