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Midterms were arriving again, and Koro-Sensei was pumped up and determined to get his class to beat A class. After school, most of the class went on a roof jumping spree. Y/n thought it would be fun, but decided against going, instead walking home with Karma as usual. 


The next day, Y/n discovered that the class had gotten in trouble for jumping on an old man and hospitalizing him, and even though she was not there when it happened, she was going to be punished with the rest of the class.

The class was to take care of the kids while their supervisor was in the hospital, and so they were not allowed to study while taking care of the kids. Y/n didn't care much, and decided it would be good for her to work with kids. When she thought about it, she could not remember the last time she has even seen someone younger than herself and the other classmates.

Some of the class was working on building things for the school, while other tutored or entertained the kids. Y/n was part of the building team. When they first started working with the kids, though, she ran into Karma and a kid was trying to yank at his pants, riding them down despite how Karma struggled. Y/n giggled, and stepped in before Karma smacked the kid.

"Hey, might not want to do that. Don't want people seeing his down there area, do we?" Y/n smiled sweetly.

"Yeah," She sweat-dropped. 

"I don't think you do," She picked the child up, jumping him in her arms and making him laugh.

"Why not?" He asked, laughing. She put her finger over his lip in a shushing motion, and winked. 

"Grown up stuff," She whispered, and put him down. He ran off laughing an 'okay!'.

"Thanks, I don't want to beat up a kid, uncool," Karma fell into step with the girl as she started walking outside. 

"No problem. It'd be bad for any of the girls to see you pantless," Y/n laughed softly. "They already say you're the most attractive guy in class, aside from your violence. What if you have a package, too?" She joked, elbowing him slightly.

"Are you curious?" He smirked, eyeing her as she rolled her eyes.

"Neh, sure," She shrugged, turning to him and putting her index fingers in the belt loops of his pants. His face reddened and he swallowed hard. "But if I learn is fates decision," She winked, and walked away, leaving him a blushy mess behind her.


The man was released from the hospital and came to the school, surprised at what E class had done to the place. E class was free to go back to class, but had no time to study for midterms. Most of E class did terrible, Karma and Y/n doing the best out of the class. Y/n tied with first, and Karma was second. Y/n half expected Karma to snap at her again for being above him, but he acted cool and simply mouthed off at class A, and covered for the rest of the class. 


I've not written in this book for a bit, but luckily I have plenty of chapters pre-written, so I can keep pushing chapters out!

I've been getting into my art more recently, so I will spend more time on doing that than writing, as art is my main hobby

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