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Winter was upon them, making the school building much colder than usual considering how worn down it was. Koro-Sensei had tried to add insulation by covering the walls in thick blankets, similar to how you would hang curtains, but it didn't help all too much.

"Ne, Karma, I know you never button up your shirt, but don't you think you would be a little less cold if you did?" Nagisa asked his redhead friend during lunch.

"Nah, and I don't mind the cold anyway. It's not that bad,"

"Not that bad? It's zero degrees! That's freezing!" Kayano shrieked. (Celsius. For Americans: 32 degrees fahrenheit)

"You guys gonna nag him and not me? S'almost as if I don't matter," Y/n leaned against the wall next to Karma. Y/n also never had her outer shirt buttoned, along side the red headed boy.

"Sorry, Y/n," Kayano smiled sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her neck. Y/n offered an awkward smile, trying to seem convincing but obviously failing.

"It's alright, Kayano. I know you don't mean it," Karma could tell the girl was actually hurt and was hiding it, but decided it was best to not mention it in front of others. For the rest of the conversation, Y/n stayed quiet and looked down at her phone, chewing the inside of her cheek nervously.


The end of the school day came and students started rushing out the doors. Y/n was walking beside Nagisa, Kayano on the other side of the small boy. Karma trialed behind them, and noticed the scared expression on the h/c girls face as she looked at her phone. Her expression got worse, and she turned to the blue headed boy next to her.

"I have to take a call. I'll see you guys tomorrow," She smiled a fake smile and left the group, leaning on a tree a good bit away from the students coming out of the building. Karma was suspicious, but, for once, decided to mind his own business.


"Y/n, what's keeping you from killing that thing?" A harsh males voice came from the speaker, hurting Y/n's ears and making her flinch.

"Sir, you have to understand. The army couldn't take Ko-... This alien down. You'll have to give me more time. I know you are probably planning to send in some more transfer students, so do that while you wait for me to take action. You can try more things, but I know you're smart enough to not take me out of this class, because even having me here gives you more of a chance of getting rid of this guy," Y/n knew she shouldn't talk to her higher up like that, and she was nervous to do so, but if her training had taught her anything, it was that she had to stand up for herself and the things she worked for.

"You should know better than to talk to me like that!" Screamed the man.

"No, you should know that my training taught me to be tough and not even let my higher ups talk to me like I'm garbage," The man stayed silent for a moment.

"Just try to get down to it. We expected more of you,"

"You should know not to underestimate me. Many men that underestimated me are dead," Y/n muttered cheekily before the man hung up.


Suspicious... What is going on with Y/n?

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