Y/n's First Job

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Warning! Warning! Warning! Intense situation of Pedophilia and rape! Proceed with caution!


"Sit here and wait for the guy to come in. We will be watching from the cameras we set up in here. Put off everything for as long as you can," A man with shaved off hair and dark glasses asked a ten year old Y/n. Her small form shook with fear, but she nodded anyway, trusting the people who saved her from the streets.

The small group of men left the room, and Y/n sat on the bed, staring at the remote in her hands. 

'What if the guy overpowers me, or goes straight for what he wants? Will I  be saved before..?' She shuddered at the thought of the man taking full advantage of her, and the government people having no idea until it was way too late. But there were cameras in the room, so he couldn't go all the way before a group of government people came barging into the room, right?

A middle aged looking man came into the room, with shifty eyes, looking around as he shut the door behind him. He looked like he hadn't bathed in a while, and had hair in off places, like on his neck, and on the backs of his hands. His clothes were slightly ragged, with some small holes in them. 

He looked at the small girl on the bed, staring at him with fear. He licked his very chapped looking lips, eyeing the girl up and down. Her small form cowered in fear of the man. He hadn't tried anything yet though, so the government people couldn't come barging in. They would have no proof to arrest the guy. 

He slowly walked over to the bed, and sat on the end of it. He started taking off his ripped jacket, looking to the girl but not looking her in the eyes, but looking at her legs instead. 

"What got you in this line of work, little lady?" He asked breathily as his eyes wondered around the girls body. 

"I... I was abandoned by my-my aunt. I-I am working for a home," She responded shakily 

'Be obediant. Answer his questions. Keep him talking for as long as possible'

"Self sustaining at your age? Then I'll make sure to pay you a pretty penny, if you give me something in return," The man crawled towards the cowering girl, propping his legs on either side of her shaking knees. "Or maybe you can just stay with me from now on, for a fee," He ran a hand on her flat chest, down her stomach, and caressed her thigh. She closed her eyes harshly, trying to keep in the tears that threatened to fall as his hand went in between her legs. 

He was not gentle. His bony finger felt nasty running up her private area. 

"Don't be like that, hun. Look at me," The man took his other hand, turning her head to look down at the terrible things he was doing to her. She only hoped that the government people would get there soon, before the man decided to go under her clothes.  "Sit back and enjoy the show," He smirked nastily as he started lifting the skirt of her dress, pulling her underwear aside. 

Before he was able to touch her bare body, the government people came running in and ripped the man off of her, pinning him to the ground and cuffing him. A man with medium length light brown hair took off his black sunglasses as he approached Y/n, who was still shaking with tears pricking the corners of her eyes. 

"I-I feel dirty," She whined as she wriggled around. When the man tried to comfort her by touching her arm, she jerked away. His eyes softened at the look of the girl.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you. That man was terrible, and imagine if he did that to a girl who had no idea what was going on? She would be more shaken up than you are now. Imagine that!" The man smiled at her, and she whined helplessly at the thought, imagining another little girl crying in her place. "Now, don't be afraid of us government workers, alright? We will never hurt you," She slowly nodded, letting the man help her up from the bed. "You are doing good work, helping put those men behind bars so they can't hurt any more little girls in the world," Young Y/n started to smile.

"I'll save as many little girls like me as possible! Even if it is scary," She giggled as she jumped around with her fist in the air, determination painted on her face

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