Valentines Day

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Not connected to the story line!!!


The class walked in to see their usually relatively boring looking classroom turned into a palette of pinks, reds, and whites. Ribbons with paper hearts were strung on the ceiling, hearts that had pictures of the ships the octopus had of his students adored the walls, and there was a box sitting on each students desk. Finally, "VALENTINES DAY!" was written in big bold letters on the chalk board, surrounded in little hearts.

"What's the get up?" Y/n asked as she picked heart shaped glitters off her desk. "And what's Valentines Day?" All the noise in the class ceased.

"You can't be serious," Nagisa sweat-dropped. Y/n cocked her head to the side, and felt a whoosh. Suddenly, her freakish teacher was in front of her. He then dragged her to the front of the class and erased the big words on the board, scribbling something new down with a pink face.

"Now now, class. You seem to forget that Y/n here has been shut out from any sort of a normal life, until now. Not only that, but it's not a Japanese holiday. We should teach her with open arms" 

"But Sensei, Y/n is from America. Shouldn't she know it?"

"She has not been there for a very very long time. I'm sure all she can remember is of her life in Japan, and the places she visited for work," The teacher stopped scribbling and turned to the girl. "Valentines Day is the day for the love of your partner or a friend or family. You go on dates and give gifts and have dinner and just enjoy each others company"

"Aren't you supposed to do most of that every day?" The class' faces went dark. Y/n shrugged. "If you need a day to love someone, do you really love them?"

"Just let me enjoy this Y/n!" Koro-Sensei cried out.

"Gomene, sensei!"


Y/n was convinced to join the "fun" in Valentines Day with the rest of the class, despite not really understanding the holiday. The class spent the day making each other cards, and some students who were specially gifted at baking made sweets in the Home Ec. Room to have a Valentines Day party at the end of the day.

"Who you making cards for Y/n?" Karma leaned over the girls shoulder as Y/n wrote a note in a simple light pink card, with red pen.

"I don't feel obligated to answer you," Y/n shrugged the boy off her shoulders and turned around. "But I will tell you, I am making one for Irina. I'm still mad at her, but she is still the closest person I have to family. I should still appreciate her, despite her flaws," Y/n explained as she flicked Karma the card she was writing in before. He scanned it quickly.

"Y/n being sweet? How shocking," Karma chuckled as he returned it to her. 

"Shut up, red head," She snickered. 

"Sweets are ready!" A group of the students barged into the room holding trays of sweets like cookies and brownies, and a few held cases of soda and juice boxes. Y/n excused herself to give her card to Irina, and Karma wondered off to grab the sweets before everyone, specially the octopus, devoured them all. 

She made her way to the teachers lounge, but stopped when she heard voices. 

"No, no one told me to or gave them to me. I wanted to make up for what happened near your birthday. I should have been more considerate," Deciding it was best to let the two be, Y/n left the area and walked near the classroom once more, and looked inside. He classmates were eating and drinking and dropping their cards and other gifts in each others boxes. Even from the doorway, though, she saw that her box was empty. She took in a deep breath, and turned on her heels again. 

She walked to the edge of the cliff near their class, and sat, looking at the land far below her. The girl was far gone in her mind, so far gone that she had not noticed when someone came up behind her. She felt an hand on her shoulder, and sprang up, pinning the person to the ground.

"I tap out! I tap out!" The red head hit his fist on the ground over and over until the H/c haired girl caught the gist and let him go.

"Gomenne, Karma. Instinct. Don't sneak up on an assassin, you idiot," He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Hai, hai. Say, Y/n, why are you out here on your own? The party is inside the classroom," He explained as he pointed his thumb backwards, towards the building that you could not see.

"I know, I just don't feel like I fit in. I never did in the first place, really, but I don't even know this holiday. Celebrating it when I don't recognize it is pretty dumb, to me," She leaned back and laid in the grass. "And it's not Japanese, anyway. Why is the octopus making us celebrate something that's not the holiday of this place,"

"He told us it will be counted as a part of our English lesson. The holidays and their meanings and all that," The boy explained, plopping down next to her.

"Seems pretty stupid to me," She huffed out, turning her head to face Karma. "And it's making me feel like he just wants me involved, by doing a tradition from where I was born. To involve me in some way,"

"He probably is. Not too crazy for him, is it?" He turned her head towards Y/n and stared back at her, as she seemed to study his face. 

"Guess not," She muttered, turning and digging in her pocket before turning back to him, "I made this for you, anyway. Take it in any way you will, I don't mind," She said as she yawned, placing a deep red envelope on the boys stomach. He opened it to find another light pink card, words written with red pen, inside. 

'You are the only person in the class who truly tries to understand me. Thank you,' Was written in wobbly writing that seemed to be trying to be neat, and failed. He looked at her, but her face was the other way. 

"What if I want to take it that you like me?" He asked in a cocky tone as he moved her head to face him. 

"I said take it in any way you like, didn-," Karma placed his lips on hers, and stayed still for a moment before pulling away.

"I guess you did,"


Sorry it's late! Was not in a good mental state to finish it at first, and was busy yesterday

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