I Will Never Hurt You

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Karma stared at Y/n with a pained expression,

"So... That's what you meant by you can't use your old tactics on the octopus, huh?" Y/n smiled slightly, trying to not act too effected by telling the story, as to not bring Karma's attitude down more than she already had.

"I mean, I'm sure I could since he is a huge pervert, but I wouldn't do that to the guy," She felt a hand on her arm and looked at the boy in front of her.

"I'm sorry for being so touchy with you," He looked down sadly.

"No, no," Y/n waved her hands in front of herself. "It's alright. I was touchy with you, too. I want to be fine with it, I really do," Her hands went back down to her lap and she twiddled with her thumbs. "It's just hard after the only touches like that I've had, have been from such horrible people," Karma looked at her sadly for a moment, before leaning forward.

He placed his hand on her cheek, slowly closing his eyes, and she followed suit. Their lips connected, and the two started to get more comfortable. Y/n placed both her hands on his cheeks, while he put his remaining hand on her waist, pulling her closer. Their lips moved in sync, slowly gaining speed and passion. The red head urged Y/n to lean back, and she complied. 

She softly bit his lip, the hand that was on her cheek traveling into her hair and giving it a tug. Both moaned slightly, and pulled the other closer. Karma's tongue poked at Y/n's lip, begging for entrance. She let him in, and he moved the hand he had on her hip upwards, to right below her chest. She held her breath, but didn't push him away. 

He pulled away from the kiss, panting, and started kissing down her jaw to her neck. He stopped travelling and kissed all around her neck, before hearing a gasp at a certain spot and stopping there, sucking and nibbling the spot. 

"K-Kar-" She took a deep inhale as his hand, that had previously been resting right below her chest, went up a bit more to cup the side of, but not completely holding, her breast. 

"Shh, it's alright. I won't hurt you. I promise. I'm like one of those government workers, since the class is working for the government now. I will never hurt you," He whispered softly, kissing around the mark he gave on the girls neck. She sunk into the couch more, trying to only enjoy the attention she was being given and let go of her fear. 

He kissed down her neck to her collar bone, latching on to a spot again when he heard a light moan from the girl. The hand resting on the side of her breast slowly cupped as much of it as it could, and rested there as he licked the second mark. She shakily raised one of her hands out of Karma's hair, resting it on the hand that was on her breast instead. Confused, he raised his head from her neck, looking her in the eyes to try to figure out what she meant by that gesture.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, and gripped his hand so that is squeezed her breast. She squeaked, surprised that it felt good, and her face turned a darker shade of red. Opening her eyes, Karma was looking at her with a face that rivaled the color of his hair. Instead of the soft expression he once held while trying to comfort her, it was dark. His pupils made up the majority of his eye, only a sliver of gold being seen around it. 

He captured Y/n in a hungry kiss, his hands shaking with anticipation as they worked on the buttons of her top. She whined in the kiss, slightly afraid of his sudden urgency, but as if ignoring that feeling of fear, a feeling started to show itself between her legs. 

Once the buttons were all undone, one hand grasped on to her breast as the other held her hip firmly, and he bucked forwards, making Y/n squeak at the friction. He continued the action over and over, slowly at first and gaining speed the more he did it. Y/n let out a particularly loud whine and their lips parted. Karma buried his head in her neck, kissing as he continued, until there was a knock at the door.

The two tore apart from each other, panting, and with dark red faces. Y/n was wide eyed, her gaze darting to the door. 

"Karma... Is there any chance your parents are back in town?" She squeaked out, taking the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around herself. 

"Nah, they always tell me when they are coming," He responded calmly, yet still out of breath, as he stood up to get the door. He smoothed down his clothes and hair to make it less obvious what had been going down minutes before, and opened the door. 

"Karma, you weren't answering your phone. I was wondering if-," Nagisa started walking into the house like he owned the place, until freezing when he saw the h/c haired girl sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, with messy hair and a red face. Nagisa's face turned the same shade, and he glanced at the red headed boy. "Did-did I interrupt anything?" He asked in a small voice, glancing between the other two. 

"Yeah, Nagisa, you did," Karma tried to not seem disappointed. 

"I-Er-Sorry," The small boy muttered out, scratching the back of his neck. 

"It's all said and done. What did you need?" Karma sat down on his couch, acting like everything was normal and he had not just been close to doing indecent things with the girl next to him, who was still partially stripped under the blanket she was holding to her chest. 

"I'll just... Ask someone else. Sorry for bothering you," Nagisa said as quickly as he could as he practically ran from the house. 

Karma turned to Y/n again, placing his hand under her chin.

"Sorry we were interrupted. I know you were enjoying it," He said huskily before leaning back and chuckling. 

"It's not like you weren't, with how excited you seemed to touch me," His face went red, and it was Y/n's turn to laugh. 

"I'll make sure to put you in your place, next time," He growled playfully.

"I'd like to see you try," She made their faces closer to each other. 

"I bet you would," He got even closer.

"Bite me," 

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