Shooting Practice

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Y/n and Karma lived on the same street, and Karma knew that because he saw her leaving for school every day, so he was confused when she didn't use the same train as him when coming back from the trip. Since he wasn't fond of her in the first place, he didn't think about it too much


Though Karma came to class late the next day, when he did arrive, he saw a small pink box sitting on his desk, Under the box was a neatly folded piece of paper.

"I know you don't like me, so I'm sorry that you had to deal with me being in your group. And I'm sorry you had to save me, too. You did it even though you aren't fond of me, so I'm grateful. Have this as my thanks," Was written on the paper in neat handwriting. Karma looked to his side to see Y/n writing in her notebook, though he was sure it was not about the lesson. He sighed, putting the letter in his pocket. Looking inside the box, it was a strawberry cheesecake. He glanced at her before moving it to the corner of his desk, saving it for lunch.


When Y/n saw that Karma ate her gift during lunch, she smiled, but quickly looked away as her face started to heat up. Realizing something, she cursed herself. 

That night, she left her house with her backpack and an extra bag. Karma, because of insomnia, was awake and at his desk. He looked out his window when he saw her figure moving out of the corner of his eye. Deciding he had nothing better to do, he followed her.

To his shock, she stopped at the junk yard. She put her bags on the ground just inside the junk yard gates, and walked inside. She dug through the bag that wasn't her backpack and pulled out spray paint. Y/n walked over to a truck that was covered in shades of blue, purple, and pink. Made to look like a galaxy. Using the spray paint she took out of her bag, she started adding pink, yellow, and white stars.

"Never thought I'd see Y/n L/n spray painting in the junk yard," Karma came out of his hiding spot, startling Y/n. She luckily was not spraying when he did it.

"You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled at the red head as he walked through the gates. Looking around, he noticed junk sculptures and other painted things all around.  "What are you doing here anyway?" She asked as she continued to work.

"I saw you leave your house and decided I had nothing better to do," He replied, opening the door to the truck and hopping inside.

"Uh, I don't know, sleep?" She muttered, standing to look at him.

"So why aren't you doing that?" She shrugged, and stayed quiet, crouching down again. 

"Thought you hated my, why do you care why I'm here?" She asked.

"Same to you," There was silence for a few minutes, all except for the sound of her spraying the paint on the car door. After a bit, she stood up, now with white and pink hands, and hopped into the other seat.

"I don't hate you. This is a one-sided hatred," She put her feet up, grabbing a notebook from the glove box and starting to write in it. Karma huffed and looked out the window, looking at her other creations. 

"Whatever," Silence again, all except for the scratching of her pencil on the notebook paper. She stopped and seemed to be thinking about something, then put the notebook back in the glove box and got out of the car. She started walking away, and Karma tried not to care. After a couple of minutes, he got tired of being alone and got out, trying to figure out where she went. He soon found her because of a loud crash.

"Fuck!" She shouted, ducking as a bullet came hurdling at her. She stood and took aim again.

"The hell you doing?"

"Practicing my aim,what does it look like?"

"Why don't you do it at home with the school guns?

"It's not as fun. I have two more guns in there," She pointed to a tire that was turned on its side. "You can join me. Just don't rat me out for giving a gun to someone without a license," He only stared at her for a few minutes as she continued shooting cans  that were stacked on other objects. Then, slowly, he made his way to the tire and picked up a gun.

Holding a real gun was different than holding the ones from school. He felt the weight of being able to actually hurt someone other than Koro-Sensei in his hands, and gulped. Karma looked back at Y/n, who was shooting like it was no problem. Like she didn't realize the power she had in her hands. Then he realized, that she did. She may have been the same age as him, but she had been in plenty of situations where she had to use guns like that on people, so shooting cans was nothing. 

He walked up next to her and aimed at the can furthest right. His finger trembled on the trigger. He mentally cursed himself for being so uncool about holding a gun. He was supposed to be the dangerous guy. The one who can hurt people and not care The sadistic one that didn't care about others pain. He may look like a scary guy, but the small girl next to him was scarier than him, and that now finally sunk in, as he pulled the trigger. 

The crash of the can being hit and falling made him come to his senses, and he turned to look at Y/n, who had just shot down the last can. She smiled at him. That smile scared him, but he slowly started to blush.

"Want to set them up again and keep going?" He stayed silent, but nodded.

After setting up the cans, they started to shoot again. With each time Karma shot a can, he got less scared of doing it again. He also got less scared of the girl next to him, and more just aware of the danger that lurked around her. Just like how Nagisa was aware of how dangerous Karma could be, and yet was not scared of him. That feeling of only being aware sunk in with every bullet in every can. 

Once he shot the last can, he realized that he no longer hated Y/n. He wasn't sure how he felt, but he knew it wasn't hate. It was just confusion for the time being.


This chapter originally was not going to mean much. Originally it was just going to show where Y/n lets out her frustrations, but it became something way more as I wrote it.

1: He now knows that she isn't oblivious to his hatred

2: It now provides and good starting space for bonding with Karma and the reader

3: Karma sees that Y/n trains outside of school and isn't just lazy like he first thought

4: He realizes the weight of being someone like her. Having the power to kill like she does and always has

5: Realizes she isn't so care free like he thought. She knows the power she has and is chill about it because she has done it for so long

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