Summer Festival

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"Y/n? What do you want?" Y/n scoffed. 

"That's a way to greet your friend an neighbor," She rolled her eyes, leaning on the door frame. "Koro-Sensei invited you to that summer festival right? Are you planning to go?" The boy shrugged.

"Yeah, why not? Are you?" He tried to act uninterested in her response, but in reality listened very carefully. 

"Yeah. I wanted to know if you'd go with me,"

"Why not ask Rio? You guys have been close lately," 

"Well, I was going to ask you both and say we just go as a group, let you guys invite whoever you wanted, but she's busy and can't go at all, so it'll just be us unless you wanna invite someone,"

"Okay. I'd invite Nagisa, but he's going with Kayano. That little twerp finally grew some nuts and somewhat asked her out. It think they're just going as friends though," Y/n sweat dropped.

"I'll have a girl on girl conversation with her about that,"

"I didn't  know you swung that way. In that case, why don't you and Rio date, Y/n?" 



When the time came, Karma threw on a simple shirt and pants, and walked over to the girls house once he got bored of waiting for a text. He knocked for a solid five minutes straight before the door opened.

"What, Karma, what? It's warm out, you couldn't have waited just a little longer?" Y/n asked as she opened the door. Karma's face went red, looking at the girl. She was wearing a white and red kimono, and her hair was partially up, slightly curly pieces falling to frame her face. "Well, lets get going, since you were so eager," She said as she locked her door.

 "Well, lets get going, since you were so eager," She said as she locked her door

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The majority of their time was spent playing games, and Karma threatening the people running the games so he could get his prize. Y/n reddened when he used his growling voice, like usual, but decided to leave him be this time.

"I'd stop my friend here," Y/n jumped in, wrapping her arms around Karma's shoulders and peering around him to look at the man. "But you are a cheat, so I'm letting him go ham. Blame yourself. His name is Karma, after all~," Y/n smiled innocently at the man and pulled away from her friend as the man gave him the game he wanted.

"I got it~" He smiled genuinely as he walked back to Y/n, shaking his new prize in the air.

"Good timing! The fireworks will start soon, let's go find a good place to view them, okay?" He nodded and the two walked around in search for the perfect place. Finally, Karma got tired, and got an idea. 

"Hey Y/n~ I have an idea, but we might get in trouble by the octopus. Do you mind?" The girl shrugged. 

"Since when did I ever?"


Karma ended up leading Y/n to a small public toilet building made of brick, and hoisted her up to the roof, careful to not stare into her kimono. She then reached down and pulled him up, and right as they were both seated, the fireworks started.

Y/n leaned on Karma's shoulder and held his arm as she watched, feeling at peace and normal. She felt like one of those teenagers who jump rooftops and go on road trips with their lover or friends just to have a good time. 

Once the fireworks stopped, they stood still for a moment, neither wanting to move. 

"Karma...," The boy turned towards her, and they locked eyes. Her eyes darted down to Karma's lips, and back up to his eyes, her lips parting slightly. She placed her hand on his cheek softly, and waited for a reaction of some sort. He looked at her lips a bit longer than she had his, and put a hand on her shoulder.

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