Karma's karma

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Karma was beyond pissed, and Y/n could feel it just from sitting next to him. She noticed him walk off from the class, and knew he would be going to the forest to probably punch some trees, and decided that it was best to let him blow of some steam, afraid that approaching him would end in him getting jealous of her and hating her again. No matter how much she wanted to stop from feeling a longing for him, it still stood strong. She felt that she would hate if he were to hate her again.

Instead, she watched out the window as Koro-Sensei talked to Karma. She sweat dropped, knowing Karma would only get madder at the teacher for now, no matter what the octopus said.

The girl smiled as a huge blush came to the red heads face, rivaling the color of his hair. Her face started to match his as she stared, until her vision was blocked. She frowned, looking up.

"Staring at the devil himself, eh?" Nakamura teased the girl.

"What's it to you?"

"Oh I don't know~ I just think an assassin would have eyes for a normal middle school kid," The blonde continued teasing, looking cocky.

"You think he's normal? Nakamura, I'm worried for you," Y/n sweat dropped at the tall girl.

"Hey, you're not half bad Y/n! Why didn't I try talking to you sooner?" Y/n stood, leaning on her desk.

"I dunno, I'm kind of hard to approach aren't I? Being an actual assassin and all,"

"Ne? I guess so. Too bad~ I think you're cool," Nakamura gave the smaller girl a thumbs up, and a smile.

"Thanks Nakamura,"

"Call me Rio," Y/n smiled. Another friend. Nice.


Karma came back into class, looking royally pissed off, and had a red face with anger. Y/n knew that if she didn't try to talk to the boy, then Nagisa would, and she did not want Nagisa to get punched or something.

"Karma, did the octopus go hard on you or something? I'm sorry, I'll tease him that much more and give you a little show of it if it makes you feel any better," Y/n smirked cockily at the devil- like boy, hoping that threatening the teacher would make him not think about what her grades were. 

"Meet me behind the school after class," He muttered, grabbing his bag and walking out. 

"Wow~ Harsh," 



Y/n did as told, hoping that she could talk her way out of his newly found hatred for her, that she was sure he had developed again. She placed her bag down and waited, leaning on the wall. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back and tapped it on the wall, before hearing a thump next to her. She looked over, seeing the boy she was waiting for now leaning next to her.

"So, what's up, Karma?" He didn't say anything for a moment, and showed no emotion to her question. She reached out and touched his arm. "Karm-,"

"That stupid octopus rubbed it in my face that I fucked up royally. Do you know what it feels like? To completely fuck up something that could've been so damn easy for you, if you just applied yourself a bit more?" She stared in shock, her face a deep red, and not able to speak. Karma's hair covered his eyes, and he had his hands on either side of her head. He got closer, getting louder now. "Huh? Answer me, do you?" She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, hitting the wall softly.

"Of course I do," She said with as much confidence as she could muster, which wasn't much, and it came out more in a whisper.

"Tch, what could little goody-two-shoes Y/n do like that?" He asked. Y/n opened her eyes, staring at the boy that was now way too close to her.



This? This what?

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