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Not too long after everyone was escorted home, they got dressed in their gear and made their way to the mountain.  They knocked out the guards and made their way up, the government panicking at the teenagers infiltrating their territory. 

Y/n was impressed as she watched her class beat down every guy they came across. She knew they had gotten good, but hell, they seemed like the professionals she had trained with years ago. There was an ever-growing smile on her face as she followed closely behind the first few teens in the group.

The plan went smoothly, Karma's plan to be exact. Each and every guy they sought after was down with ease, and the army guys were terrified as their heard their buddies go down one-by-one. 

One guy at the top of the hill had to be taken by hand before he would go down, and finally was taken down by a tag team of Karma and Nagisa.


Most of the class half expected their teacher to come up with some way to get out of death like he always did, but he gave a lecture on how things were the complete opposite. He was done for, case and point, no matter what he or the class did. 

Tears stung at the corners of Y/n's eyes, but she blinked them back as the teacher talked. He explained all the the things he taught the class through the year, lightening the mood slightly. 

Rio brought a birthday cake, and right as the class had finished singing the song, a tentacle was shot at the octopus.

The second Reaper was with the crazy scientist that made Koro-Sensei the way he was, and the new Reaper, like his former teacher, had been turned into a tentacle monster. 


The battle that came after was not much more than a blur for Y/n as her mind started to self destruct. There were so many thoughts in her head, and she was only able to shake out of it and focus on one thing what Kayano was shot in the stomach by a black tentacle. Like everyone else, her mouth went agape and her eyes went wide in horror. Sound seemed to stop as she fell to the ground, and a thud was heard as her body tumbled to the dirt.

The guy laughed evilly at the "death" of both sisters being shown before his eyes. The teacher emitted red fire as his anger swelled, and the final battle was beginning. 

Y/n, being stuck in place from shock, was dragged away by Karma as the class left the scene, letting their teacher fight in peace. There was an amazing light as their teacher did his final move, killing off his former student. 

Koro-sensei had unbelievably collected a majority of Kayano's blood and cells before she had fallen to the ground, and through a series of steps, had basically brought her back to life. 

'He really is a mary sue" Y/n half thought as Kayano choked back to life. 

He soon collapsed on the ground, and awaited his students to kill him. Y/n kneeled before any of them, and waited for the rest to join her as she absentmindedly squished at a tentacle. 

"Who here wants to kill him?" Y/n raised her hand first, not being noticed by anyone except the octopus as she scrunched her face up, trying to keep tears from spilling.  When the class pinned him to the ground, Karma sat next to her, not giving her a glance as he looked down at the spot he was holding. He was holding back his own tears, and needed to focus on that. 

Nagisa made his way to the teachers chest with a knife, sitting down carefully and aiming his knife at the rip already in the tie of the octopus. 

The teacher did roll call one last time. Y/n made sure that when her name was called, there were no tears on her face, and none brimming her eyes. She wanted to be strong for Koro-Sensei's last moments.  

As soon as the knife was sent through Koro-Sensei's heart, fresh, hot tears streamed down Y/n's pinkened face.  bright yellow light came from him as he died, lighting up all the students, along with Karasuma and Irina. Soon, the only thing that the class was kneeling on was the ground and the robes of the teacher. 

Nagisa let out an anguished cry as the rest of the class gave in to the sadness, and tears streamed down all their faces. 


Everyone slept in the run down building of the classroom that night, and woke up on graduation day. The class asked to graduate like everyone else despite what they had done the night before. Y/n had to go in her gear, and even though it did gain attention, it didn't matter much after how everything had been in chaos for the past week. 

The Big Five took care of the new reporters and escorted E class to a bus in front of the place graduation was being held.

"Akabane. It seems you're the only one coming back,"

"That's where you're wrong Gakushu!" Y/n popped up behind Karma, putting her hands on his back for leverage to push herself closer to Asano's height. "I'm coming back too! I wouldn't dare let you two have all the glory next year!" Y/n used one of her thumbs to point to herself with a wide smile etched on her features. 

"She really bounces back. She was so serious all day yesterday," Karma thought as he smiled. Asano's face flared up in a blush as he looked away from the girl. 

"Good, give me more competition. Being perfect all the time with no challenge gets boring," The strawberry-blonde boy faked a yawn as he smirked at the two, mostly Y/n.

"I won't go easy on you!" She shouted as she hopped up the stairs, making her way, behind Karma, inside the bus.


Next chapter is the last one!

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