Jobs Pt. 2

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The two teens never got the chance to talk about Y/n's job choice that night, as Y/n insisted on going home so he wouldn't be touching on her all as she tried to sleep. She easily went through the test, and then proceeded to flop on her couch and stare at the ceiling in thought.

"Do I want to be an assassin?" She said out loud as she chewed the inside of her cheek. "It would be nice to live a normal life, but I'm already talented in what I do, and I've spent so long on it," The girl turned on her side, staring into nothingness. "What would I even do?" She huffed, and shoved her face into a pillow. The longer and harder she thought about it, the harder she chewed on her cheek, and soon her mouth filled with blood. She gasped, swallowing what she could and going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to wash the remaining blood out.

She watched as the diluted red liquid swirled down the sink when she spat it out, watching as it flowed into the drain and out of sight. After a moment of watching the now static sink, she piped up and ran to her room. The clothes in her closet got thrown across the room, and this continued until she shrieked and slammed a shoe box on the floor, her knees soon coming down next to it as she sat. Y/n took the lid off, throwing aside pictures and army tag necklaces, before reaching the notebook that sat at the bottom of the box. 

The h/c haired girl pulled the notebook out, shoving the other items back in it and tossing the box aside, quickly flipping through pages. She flinched, looking at the pictures on each page. 

"Er... I don't remember being this bad," She mumbled as she turned each page. She shrugged, and smiled. "But, I can try to get better," Her heart beat started to increase as she grinned, closing the notebook and holding it close to her chest.


Y/n went to the teachers lounge to find her teacher the next day, a canvas pressed to her chest protectively. She was nervous about revealing her old hobby to someone, but she had decided that she did not want to be an assassin forever, and she had to start with something. This was her something.

The yellow creature looked her way as she slid open the door, and his beady gaze made her cheeks flush in embarrassment. 

"Well, have you decided what you are going to do?" He asked with green and yellow stripes going down his face. He knew she was going to change her mind, and she hated that she was read by the cocky octopus. Despite her slight annoyance of the guy, she nodded her head frantically and shoved the canvas in the smiling things face. 

"I know it is hard work, and hard to get customers, but when I was stressed, I tended to draw a lot in the little free time I had from assassinating and training. So please, don't tease me for this, but I want to be an artist!" She blurted out. The octopus stayed silent as he stared straight ahead, to the canvas that was way too close to his face, yet it didn't seem like he minded. The girl looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please, say something," she mumbled weakly. Her cheeks flushed deep red, now. She was always embarrassed about her hobby, and never showed it to anyone before then.

"Oh, my, it's wonderful!" Koro-Sensei suddenly shot up from his chair, snatching the painting from the girls hands and hugging it to his chest as he shouted praises. "I knew there had to be something more to you! You aren't just a cold blooded assassin, you are a wonderful artist with a creative mind! That's how you came up with the pranks you pulled on me when you first got here!" Two of his tentacles reached out to cup the girls red cheeks. "You wonderful mind, y-," Out of frustration, she pulled a knife from her pocket and sliced the two tentacles that held her face, and backed away, her chest heaving. "Right, right, still an... assassin," The creature said, embarrassed by his sudden outburst. 

"Well, Y/n, just know that I am proud that you are moving on from you assassin ways. I know it must be hard, having it be that you were raised to be a killer. Channel your efforts into your art!" He shouted happily, shoving the painting in her face, making her stare straight into the strokes. Her eyes darted around it, observing the little mistakes she made, before he pulled it away. "I will treasure this, know that. It is touching that you put the effort of your talents in painting me, specially because you are so embarrassed about it," Y/n turned her head to the side, staring at the wall.

"No need to point it out," The man only grinned bigger than his already permanent smile was. He shooed her out of the lounge so he could finish grading papers, and she made her way to the classroom. Only a hand full of students were there, surprisingly including Karma.

"I waited for you, but you never came out. Looked through the window and saw all the lights off and your backpack not leaned up against the couch like usual. Where'd you go?" The red head asked as the girl placed her bag on her chair, opting to sit on the desk instead. 

"I had to tell Koro-Sensei about what I wanted my job to be. I decided it would be nice to be a normal person," She tried to respond calmly, to not seem suspicious, and pushed down the blush that threatened to creep its way on her face.

"You couldn't have told him during class?" He asked, and waited only a few seconds before speaking again. "Whatever, what did you decide on, then?" Karma rested his chin on his palm, looking at the girl patiently. The blush she was trying to keep from sprouting flared up despite her efforts, and she looked away, swallowing hard. 

"You'll... Find out sooner or later. Why worry about it? It's really nothing special," She responded, wriggling around uncomfortably. The boy shrugged and let the topic go, Y/n sighing in relief. 

Soon after the conversation ended, the yellow octopus came slithering in the classroom, face pink, and with the canvas in hand. Y/n's eyes went wide, and she face palmed before letting her head fall gently on her desk, not wanting to watch the class look at her mediocre art. 

"What are you blushing for, sensei?" Asked Kayano curiously. Y/n swallowed slowly, waiting for hell to break loose. 

"What's that you're holding?" Isogai chimed in, Maehara stood up and tried to peer at what the teacher was holding, being dramatic as he knew that he would not be able to see. 

"A wonderful art piece of the one and only great mwah!" The creature cheered giddily. Y/n only imagined he was holding the canvas out for the class to see, being dramatic about the whole thing despite it only being alright, and nothing special. 

"Did you do that yourself? What a narcissist," muttered Sugino.

"N-No! One of your very own classmates did this out of the kindness of their heart! I didn't even ask!" The teacher cried out defensively. Y/n could feel the red heads stare boring into the back of her head.

"Really? Who decided to feed his already huge ego? That was a mistake," Okajima scoffed.

"Really, he won't live it down for a week. And why are you so caught up about it, anyway? It's not all that good," Terasaka commented provokingly. 

Y/n suddenly stood up, but did so quietly so no one noticed other than the boy that was having a staring competition with the back of her head, and walked out of the classroom. No one other than the boy and the teacher had noticed until she shut the door, alarming the rest of the class. Some students took only a moment to register that Y/n had left, and that she was most likely the one who did the painting, while other students didn't care at all and didn't bother to connect dots, or even figure out why the door was shut.

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