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The class trip was pretty early in the year, about a week after midterms. Y/n found it ridiculous, and frankly, was not looking all that forward to it. You needed groups, and she didn't feel comfortable with most of the class. It was mandatory though, so she had to go. 

When everyone had their groups, Y/n's spirits sunk. She had no one, so she assumed she would be on her own. She was an assassin after all, so why would Koro-Sensei be against it? Well, that's what she thought.

"Y/n, you don't have a group do you?" He asked hesitantly. Y/n frowned and stiffened, shaking her head no. " You'll need one, do you need help finding one to join?" 

"Come on, Koro-Sensei~! I'm an assassin trained by the government, why do I need a group?" She whined childishly. The octopus turned pink.

"There is still a chance that you will be ganged up on and won't be able to escape no matter how hard you fight. I don't want to imagine what a group of men would do to a small girl like-," Y/n smacked Koro-Sensei with the large book that he handed out to the class.

"It seems to me you do want to imagine it!" She growled. He yelled 'Sorry' repetitively as she smacked him over and over, running down her anger until it was mellow. Finally, she lowered the book to her side, the irk mark on her forehead slowly fading. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I will not allow you to not have a group during the trip, and that is that!" He said definitively. Y/n sighed in defeat. 

"Whatever. I'm not going to ask anyone though," 

"Class, we still have one student without a group!" Koro-Sensei yelled. Y/n smacked him on the head with the book again.

"Eh? You had to be that damn loud about it? Stupid octopus!" She whisper-yelled at the teacher. She pulled out the Anti-Sensei knife and stabbed in his area repetitively. 

Karma looked at his blue haired friend, seeing the need to speak in his eyes. 

"Nagisa, you better no-,"

"Hey, Y/n? Why don't you be in our group? I think it will be an advantage to have an actual assassin with us," Nagisa smiled, and Karma pinched his arm.

"Er," Y/n saw the look in Karma's eyes, "I'm not sure your group all agrees, Nagisa," She muttered with a nervous smile. Nagisa looked confused and turned towards the other members in his group.

"You all are okay with it, right?" Okuda gave a smile and a thumbs up. 

"Yeah, sure!" Said both Kayano and Yukiko.

"Yeah, it'll be cool!" replied Tomohito. Karma was last, and all eyes were on him. 

"Sure, whatever," He said in a bored tone. Y/n walked up to the group, whispering to Karma.

"I'm sorry," He simply turned away.


Y/n felt uncomfortable with the class because she was raised to not get attached to anyone. And although only Karma disliked her, the rest of the class didn't get close to her so no one asked her to be in their group. 

She also knew that she would be stuck with the class for a while, so she didn't want Karma hating her and decided to give him space, thus why she told Nagisa to make sure his group was comfortable with having her with them

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