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Finals were coming up, and things got tense just like they did for midterms. Koro-Sensei was using his cloned again, worrying the class. The teacher gave an example on how his clones worked, shooting off tentacles to show what happened to the quality of his clones with each tentacle shot off.

Karma stared at Y/n through all their classes. Y/n could feel it but acted like she didn't, knowing it was her fault he was doing it in the first place. She was hoping that if she ignored it, then he wouldn't say anything and would get over it.

'I'm not a normal student, I can't do that to him. I got ahead of myself' She sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She took a glance at the red head, it being the only time that day he was not staring at her. He couldn't, after all. He was sleeping, a book laying over his face. Lunch was almost over, and Y/n knew he would get scolded if he didn't wake up soon.

"Hey," Y/n walked over to the boys desk and flicked the book, making it fall off of his face. She then ruffled his hair, making him jolt up. He grabbed her wrist roughly, not yet opening his eyes.

"Who touched my," He started to say angrily before seeing who it was, and releasing her. "Oh... Er, sorry Y/n. Didn't know it was you," She rubbed her wrist softly as she waved him off with a smile, her cheeks pink.

"No worries, I knew you'd have some sort of rash response. Why do you think I woke you up like that?"

"Why, you-,"

"Settle down class! Lunch is over!"


Karma kept on sleeping in class, annoying Koro-Sensei and Y/n. She was studying, and she was taught by the government.

"You're starting to come off as a normal teacher, uptight and boring~," 

'Why does he have to sit like that?' Y/n looked out the window, listening to the conversation between the teacher and the boy. 'The class is so cocky about winning against A class. It doesn't feel... Right,' Y/n once again looked at the red head, seeing him looking back at her, and she offered him a smile, a pink rising to his cheeks. 'I'm worried for them, but I don't think they'll listen to me. Lets just hope my suspicions are wrong,'


 Just like the first time, the tests were rigged. They were harder than middle school level like everyone was told. Y/n looked around at her classmates, feeling tense, and hating that her suspicions were true. The class suspected that they would be rigged, but not as bad as it was. 

By the end of each test, she was only able to double check half of her work before the time was up, making her nervous.

'I hope that's at least enough time for everyone to get the test done. I've even always been a really fast worker,' 

Through half the test, Y/n looked around the room, catching the eye of her closest classmate, Karma. He looked determined, but not stressed like the rest of the class. Y/n sweat dropped, knowing he was being too cocky for the test. 

'Let's hope he doesn't bomb it, by his standards anyway~,' She sighed and continued working. While most of the class had simple guns and knives, if it were assassination or a battle, three students had more intense weapons. Karma, Asano, and Y/n. The boys were cocky about it, and Y/n chose to be relaxed and stay out of everyone's way.


When test results were in Y/n tied with Nakamura for first place in English, both having a one hundred percent.

The teacher went through the list, Y/n tying with three of the subjects firsts, but saying she would only take one tentacle since she was a pretty unfair advantage for the class against Koro-Sensei.


I just recently discovered Koro-Sensei Quest. It's cute

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