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The next day, Karma noticed the girl being in a worse mood than usual. She usually was either content or at least hid her bad mood, but Y/n was shamelessly upset for all of the next day, and people noticed. 

Most of class E was not sure how to feel about her. Since she was an actual assassin, they seemed to think that she was higher than them and didn't have time for making friends with people her age, so they kept their distance. Some people were too afraid or didn't know how to talk to her, assuming she was more mature than the rest of the class and wouldn't enjoy their normal teenage banter. This ended with her only talking to Karma when she made herself have the courage to approach him, because he only approached when he wanted to tease her, and occasionally Nagisa and Kayano since they usually talked to Karma. 

Karma hated to admit that he was worried for her, since he was supposed to be a sociopathic person, but he couldn't help himself. Out of everyone in the classroom, he felt like he related to her the most, since she was more uncaring compared to most of the students. He could admit that it wasn't too believable of an excuse to feeling close to her, but it was what he told himself.

When the bell rang, Y/n sprang up from her seat and basically ran out the door, not even looking back. Karma, being tired of not knowing what was going on, decided to follow her.

The girl ran to the edge of the trees and leaned against one as she called someone, similar to the day before.

"I just got out of school. Make it quick, I don't want the class to be freaked out at how weird I'm acting lately," She said irritably. Karma held back a laugh, thinking that she was acting strange all day.

"I'll cut to the chase, since you seem so eager. I'm setting your machines to the level I think you should be at by now and if you get a cut deeper than an inch, you're out of the damn school," The man on the other side said, annoyed at Y/n talking to him in such a way. Karma tried to get closer, hoping to hear what the man was saying, but couldn't get close enough.

"Fine, I'll do it. But if I beat it, you leave me alone," Not long after that, she put the phone down. she leaned her head back and sighed out. 

"So, what was all that about~?" Karma popped up, making Y/n yelp and jump, hitting her head on the tree she was leaning on. 

"Fuck...," She rubbed the back of her head, wincing.

"You seem stressed, what's up?" Karma asked, falling in step with Y/n as she started to walk.

"Since when do you care?" Karma only shrugged, and the two fell into an annoying silence. 

"You gonna answer my question?"

"Do I really have a choice?" Y/n sighed and Karma smirked, shaking his head no. "That was "The Boss". He's mad I haven't gotten rid of the octopus yet. He's going to make me do a test to make sure I'm not rusty,"

"Huh. How's he gonna do that? He doesn't live around here, does he?" Karma asked as he walked backwards, facing the girl. 

"Nah. Wanna see how he does it? I think you'll think it's pretty cool,"

"Sure, I don't have anything better to do,"


I'm sorry this chapter took longer to get out there. I started working on it right after the last chapter was out, but wasn't able to finish it in time for New Years Eve, and my boyfriend came over and spent the night. I haven't had a chance to write until today

The next chapter will also take a couple days because winter break is almost over, so I'm spending two days with my boyfriend and one day with my grandma.

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