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E class quickly started doing research on anything they could try to save Koro-Sensei. The students themselves couldn't get much, but Ritsu dug into places that had done research on how to save the world without Koro-Sensei dying. Their was a lab in the US that was doing a lot of research on the topic, and its research was being done in space. 

"Y/n, would you please step out with them?" Koro-Sensei faced the small girl, who had a look of determination on her face. The look turned shocked at the request. "The same reasons, of course," She sweat dropped. 

'Right, the class didn't hear what me and Karma talked about during the paint ball fight,'

"I can assure you, sensei, it will not be an issue," She planted her feet dramatically on the floor to show that she was not leaving the classroom, and he sighed. 

"Very well,"

The teacher showed how they would replace the students with test dummies that were being sent into space, to reach the space station. The class agreed despite how insane it was, except for Y/n.

"Hold on, octopus," The teacher jumped at the sound of her chair scratching on the floor as she stood, hands flat on her desk as she stared up at the large, yellow creature. "You are not crazy enough to send two teenagers into space to a secret lab. That's nuts, and dangerous as hell," She snarled at the guy, him cowering slightly. 

The sound of another chair scratching on the wood floor echoed in the classroom. 

"You have got to be shitting me," The red heads voice ringing in her ears made her grit her teeth, and she was surprised they didn't shatter or chip at the force she put on them. "The girl who originally wanted to save this guy wont be willing to potentially sacrifice someone for it? What happened to the determine look you held on your face that day?" He grinned cockily. 

"Don't get me wrong, I want to save the guy, but I don't want any innocent kids lives ruined in the process," the h/c haired girl turned to their monster of a teacher. "You send anyone, send me and someone else. My life isn't worth much at this point, I don't mind sacrificing it. If I need a partner, so be it. I'll do everything in my power to make sure they're safe through the mission," Karma's smirk faded into a frown in the blink of an eye. 

Isogai had people volunteer to go with Y/n, and all the boys raised their hands, except for Karma. When the octopus told everyone that there were no successful lift offs of that rocket yet, no one except for Itona.

"I love technology, the whole idea makes my mouth water," He put his hand down, closing his eyes. "It's just, it's clear to me who should go," his head turned to the side, addressing the boy he sat next to. "Karma,"

"Whaat? Look, I'm not that fond of taking big risks, especially when my own life is on the line," He leaned back in his chair, eyes closed, "And if the two of us went in a rocket together, only one would make it out,"

"Just who would that be, Karma?" an irk mark showed itself on Y/n's forehead as she growled, but the guy didn't respond.

"Don't even think about skipping out on this, man. You two nearly killed each other trying to get us all on the same page," Terasaka yelled at the sadistic boy.

"Let's just do it and get it over with. I'd rather have you then some idiot. At least you could be of some assistance if things go south,"


Things went quick as their plan went smoothly. The two were silent as they worked their way through the facility, deciding that if they spoke to each other then they would argue and possibly ruin the plan. They could do all the arguing they wanted once they were in the rocket, as long as they did not kill each other. 

Once the countdown started, there was a sinking feeling in Y/n's stomach. She had been nearly everywhere on Earth, but no where near going to space. The closest she had been was flying to Hawaii with their teacher, and she thought about that as she glanced at the red headed boy next to her. 

"We've... Felt this nervous feeling before," She said quietly, not sure if he would hear her, or care enough to respond. There was a small silence before his voice broke through it.

"Yeah... But I have a feeling that we've changed,"

They had not argued through the ride like expected, and stayed serious and nervous, thinking about the reality of what they were doing. 

The guys were calm despite the threat the two held on them. 

"We're not going to drop to our knees for a bomb," Y/n smirked, part of her knew it was going to happen.

"You guys have got balls," She giggled.

"Us, you kidding? You're two teenagers who just flew into space illegally and threatened a group of astronauts for top secret information,"

In the end, they were given the information they needed in exchange for helping the men unload their supplies, but the two knew it was more than that. The crew just wanted to give the kids a good time, a once in a lifetime experience.

"We might be able to save his butt," Karma watched the Earth from the tiny circle shaped window, in thought.

"Yeah, maybe," Y/n smiled despite the sinking feeling she had in her gut, the one that she had because of not knowing what she could and couldn't say to the boy without blowing a fuse.

"Would that be enough for you?" He asked, floating away as he talked. "I'm not going against the class' plan to save him or anything, I'm just curious if that's what he wanted,"


The two were on the way back to Earth as Karma played on his DS. Neither of the two spoke the whole way back to Earth. They did not want to ruin their good moods from what they had accomplished.

Landing, everyone celebrated, and soon after, went back to the classroom to go over the information. Y/n sat back and listened quietly as Okuda talked about it, and the class broke into cheers when she said that Koro-Sensei exploding would be lowered to one percent if they made the proper drug. 

Y/n wasn't interested after hearing that and simply walked out of the classroom to get fresh air. After being in space, trapped in either the small room in the ship she was launched in, or in the station with those men, she had a whole new appreciation for the amount of room she had when she was back on Earth.

"Aren't you stoked that we have a good chance at saving Koro-sensei now, Y/n? You were really determined to do it," Nagisa caught up with her as she looked up into the sky, as if, if she focused hard enough, then she could see the space station she was in not too long before that.

"Yeah, but the job is far from done. I've got to stay focused until it's all over, don't let the probability get to my head in case something goes wrong," She turned to Nagisa, forcing a smile on her face. "But you guys can celebrate, you have a right to. I'm just used to taking my jobs way too seriously, and my new job is to save that monster," Nagisa gave her a worried look, worried that she was taking things too seriously if she wanted to be a normal teenager.

"Okay, but don't stress yourself out too much, okay? You wanted to be normal, remember?" He started to walk back to the classroom, but turned back at the sound of her voice.

"Nagisa," She looked at him, but turned her gaze back to the sky again. "I'm far from normal. I can act like it all I want, but my job is not done," Nagisa nodded, and she started to walk down the mountain of a hill. "Have fun for the both of us, will you?"

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