Jobs pt. 1

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Y/n held to her word about scolding Irina, and for the following days Irina sulked around, but eventually she returned to her old self again and even stopped missing school all the time.


Koro-Sensei had given everyone in class papers to write down potential jobs they would want to have. Y/n took a glance at it before crinkling it into a ball and tossing it at Karma's head.

"Don't you have plans, Y/n?" He asked half heartedly as he wrote down his options.

"I'm already an assassin, and I'm not half bad. Why not keep going on this track?" He shrugged as Irina walked in, wearing a sweater. The boys drooled over the teacher. 

"She does look cute in that sweater," Y/n smiled at he cousin a bit cheekily.

"You attracted to your cousin, Y/n? Incest?" Karma joked, throwing the paper she had thrown at him back. 

"We aren't actually related, I can be attracted to her all I want," Y/n turned back to the blonde, blushing and acting shy about wearing something that covered her more than usual. "But, no. I just appreciate that she is trying to fit in with the class now. Guess the incident really smacked some sense into her," Karma hit Y/n over the head with her own notebook that she had laying on her desk.

"More like you smacked some into her. Literally," He said as he walked out of the classroom to talk to the octopus. 


"Have you decided on your career, Y/n?" The never ending grin on the teachers face somehow widened seeing the girl.

"An assassin, of course. Why try to fix what's not broken?" The yellow creature was silent for a moment, looking at the girl that seemed so sure of herself. The grin he always held felt like it was faltering, from Y/n's perspective, but it looked the same as always. The air in the room seemed thick.

"I understand that you have a great skill in what you are currently doing, Y/n, but do you really want to live the rest of your life in the kind of work?" He asked after a moment. Y/n stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Of course she was fine with that. She had lived that way for half her life, so why change it? She had never been asked that question before, though, and it made her think. "Think about it for a while and get back to me tomorrow,"


"Did teach let you choose assassination? Nagisa told me he got rejected," Karma asked Y/n as they walked home from school. 

"No. He asked if I really wanted to live my life killing people and I didn't say a thing. Said to think about it," 

"May be hot to see you in action," Karma started, nodding his head, "But he's right. The job doesn't suit you," Y/n's cheeks flushed, but she ignored the comment.

"I don't know what else to do. I don't have any other talents, unless over thinking is one," She sighed. 

"Come over to my place, we'll thinking about it together," The red head said, continuing to walk past the girls house.

"You sure you aren't saying that so you can take advantage of me being in your house?" She asked, knowing the answer. He didn't respond, and unlocked the door as they walked inside. 

For a while, they simply watched tv as they ate a bag of chips Karma had brought into the room, and soon his hand had started to wonder. He rested it on her thigh for a while, and she wriggled around in slight discomfort, so he pulled away, giving her a look before muting the television.

"That happened last time, too. Do I creep you out? I'll st-,"

"No!" She nearly choked, but continued. "It's not you... I- Just..." She sighed, getting as much courage as she could. "Promise to not speak to anyone about this, alright?" He nodded, sitting back, preparing for a long story.

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