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The flower man walked into the classroom, talking to the class as if nothing was really going on. Karma was suspicious. Y/n had not answered her door, and Irina was not there either. He would have snuck in if it was anyone else, but he knew that her house was rigged with hell know's what because of the government, and decided it was better to not even try.

"Your connection could be very handy to exploit," Said the man, putting down the bundle of flowers. The class stared at the man in shock as the man seemed so confident in himself. He introduced himself as The Reaper. "Ritsu, would you open up the image I sent?" The robot did just that, and a picture of Irina and Y/n, tied up and asleep, was on screen.

"Is that Professor Bitch, and Y/n?" 

"If you want they to live, show up when and where I tell you to," The Reaper started listing off a few rules about the class' meet up with him later on.

Karma's hands shook. He had given those flowers to Y/n, and the class have those flowers to Irina. That had to be related to how the man had gotten them. He had unintentionally put her in harms way, the person he cared about most. 

'What scares me most, is not being afraid'

Teresaka said that the class did not care about either girls, and Karma had to hold himself from beating the shit out of the boy for saying something like that about Y/n, but he knew he was bluffing. The man knew that it was a bluff, and didn't fall for it.


The class was true to their word, and arrived as the man had planned. It ended in them getting trapped.

The class could see Irina and Y/n chained up to the wall, and called out to the two. Though it was no use. Quickly, the group had escaped.

Part of the class was beat up by The Reaper, while some others went to release Irina and Y/n. Once Irina was released, she had gotten Teresaka down before he was able to set free her cousin. Y/n stirred, opening her eyes slgihtly.

"Irina, you crazy bitch! Don't you dare touch them!" She weakly shouted.

"Oh, how lovely to finally be myself," Y/n struggled on her restraints.

"Irina, are you fucking out of it? You have the only person you consider family tied up! You are going against the students you have grown to care about for six fucking months! Does any of that matter to you?" Y/n's eyes started to prick with tears. In a second, Irina had tricked the students and had them down. 

"Already? You took them down all by yourself"

"For all the good they are to us, they might as well be from another world. They breathe clean air, we breathe bloodlust," The Reaper looked over to the struggling h/c haired girl. "If only your dear cousin understood that. Oh well. As long as she doesn't get in the way, I have no reason to hurt her,"


And again, the class was caught. Karma watched as Y/n whimpered to Irina, small pleas to let her go. At least ler her be behind the bars with the rest of the class, but Irina wasn't having it.

"Listen, Reaper, I don't know what your big plan is for killing Koro-Sensei, but I wouldn't count on it going smoothly,"

"Reaper? You-You aren't The Reaper! The Reaper would never kill for the money, or for revenge. And he would never, never, put any innocent soul in harms way, specially kids, for his assassination to pull through," The Reaper crouched down next to the girl and pulled a bandana from his coat, tying it around her mouth so all she could do was make muffled noises.

Karasuma arrived with the octopus, exciting the class. Y/n was not sure what to think. This guy was not The Reaper, but if he had managed to get the name, then he was not a force to be reckoned with.

Soon enough, the teacher was in the bars along with his students, and Karasuma was with Irina and The Reaper.

"Hello, class. I trust you aren't hurt?"

"I wouldn't say that, teach," Karma pointed outside the bars and to the girl tied up against the wall. The teachers face turned red in anger. 

The Reaper came into the room, and untied Y/n from the wall, but dragged her with him, her wrists still tied.

"This room is about to be flooded. We are in a drainage canal,"

"You aren't going to do that with the kids still in there?" Karasuma snarled at the other man, then turned to Irina. "Irina, you knew this would happen, didn't you?" Y/n was passed to Irina from The Reaper before he approached Koro-Sensei, and Irina was doing a much worse job of making sure that Y/n didn't remove the bandana. She had managed to shimmy it down her neck while the others were distracted talking.

"I'm sorry. Results are the only priority here. You wanted professionalism," That made Y/n's blood boil.

"Irina Jelavich! You do not act this way just because someone was insensitive about your feelings! Lives are more important than feelings! You're taking away the lives of almost thirty innocent kids, who have their whole lives ahead of them! Use your fucking brain, you ditsy brat!" Y/n shouted as loud as she could, making everyone look at her. Irina yanked the bandana back over Y/n's mouth.

Karasuma had to make the decision of either letting the class die, or letting Koro-Sensei free. Of course, he chose the class, and chased after The Reaper as he sprinted through the place. 

"The Reaper goes further. Exibit A, he trapped the octopus," Y/n had gotten the bandana free from her mouth, and ripped it apart with her teeth before yanking it to the ground with a flick of her neck.

"You know full well you could've, too, if you listened to the officials and used the right guns the first time," Y/n said quietly. "And he could have been long gone by my hands if I truly wanted, a long time ago,"

"You brat! Why can't you be quiet for five minutes?" Irina snapped. 


Irina had handcuffed Y/n to the bars as she ran off to get Karasuma.

"Have they hurt you, Y/n?" Karma kneeled down and asked the girl.

"No... Irina is acting like she doesn't care, but trust me when I say she does. It's hard for her to do this," She paused, twisting her body around to look at her classmates. "But she refused to let me get injured, and he knew that would happen," Y/n made eye contact with Karma. "He tricked you into giving me flowers. There was powder in the flowers that made me pass out, so he was able to tie me up so I wouldn't be a nuisance in his plan, and Irina would feel like I was safe enough,"

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