Art Teacher

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Y/n kept to herself when there was not school, staying stuffed up in her house alone. She even turned Irina back when she came for a visit, which annoyed the blonde woman a lot, but she understood that her little cousin was stressed out and hurt.

Nagisa, worried about Y/n, got her to come with him and some of their other classmates on a walk after classes. She had tried hard to reject his offer, but he would not budge, and she felt like she had to do it or else he would be worried sick about her. She came along, but did not speak much as the others talked about one topic or another.

"So, Karma, what are your sights on?" The blue haired boy asked his sadistic friend as the group stood in a small circle. The group consisted of Sugino, Okuda, Kayano, Nagisa, Karma, and Y/n, while some of the other classmates walked off somewhere else as they talked about their own things. 

"I figure I'll just stay here," The group looked at him like he had grown a third eye, which in retrospect, was not that weird considering the extra appendages their own teacher had. "Put yourselves in the shoes of the kids on main campus, the guy they thought was exiled is suddenly back, looming head and shoulders above 'em all," Karma flashed a genuine looking smile as he continued to explain himself, "What could be sweeter than sailing by on an ocean of humiliated face for three whole years, right?"

The group continued to talk about their choices of schools once they had graduated, and they seemed bitter sweet at the idea of graduation in the next month. Y/n was everything except sweet at the idea. She felt dread fill her as she thought about the schools she could choose from. 

'Will I really pursue art? It's a really hard job, hard to get work unless you are doing graphic design. Even then, it's difficult. Maybe I should try to do something else, something easier and more probable of actually happening. What am I capable of doing well enough as a job, aside from killing people?' Y/n wracked her brain for ideas of what she would do. She was really cocky about quitting her job as an assassin, but now that she was thinking about it, it was a really bad decision on her part. Being an artist was a really flaky job. 'Starving artist is right,' She sighed as she tightened her grip on the bag hanging on her shoulder. 

"You alright, Y/n?" The h/c haired girl flinched and grabbed the hand holding her shoulder, glaring at the person attached to it. She gasped upon seeing the face of the innocent blue haired boy staring at her with a shocked expression. A sheepish look flushed over her face as she let go of the boys wrist, scratching the back of her neck, embarrassed.

"Sorry, Nagisa, you scared me is all,"Nagisa's face flushed slightly, copying her actions.

"It's okay, really! I shouldn't sneak up on an ex-assassin anyways!" 

"Er, to answer your question..." The group watched the two, too interested in their conversation to make one for themselves. "I'm stressed, to be honest. When am I not, now-a-days?" She offered a small smile, a barely visible blush forming on her cheeks. "I just don't know what school to go to, or if I should even pursue art like I want, it's a really hard job and I'm not very good at it,"

"Yes you are, Y/n!" Kayano jumped in hotly, slightly blushing that she was butting her way into the twos conversation. "Don't doubt yourself, or you'll definitely fail! You have to believe in yourself!" Kayano was comparable to a squealing mouse at that moment, and Y/n imagined her pink tail swishing behind her as her ears flattened against her head cutely. She almost giggled, but stopped herself as she realized no one else would see her day dream.

"If you say so, Kayano, but I do have a long ways to go. Am I good enough to even enter an art school? Or maybe..."

"Y/n," Nagisa hesitantly placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder to catch her attention. "Why do you like art?" He asked, suddenly serious. The group waited with baited breath as she tried to come up with an answer.

"I, um.... Well, it was there for me to let out my frustrations when I was alone, you know? It was nice to let out some of my emotions when I needed to keep all of them except anger at bay all the time..."Her cheeks were turning a darker pink as she opened up to the group, not used to telling anyone how she felt. "A-And, it's just a good way to let your mind go and be creative. Create something all your own..." 

"Ever thought about teaching art?" Nagisa suddenly said, making Y/n look at him in shock.

"I-I mean, yes, of course. Specially after seeing Koro-Sensei teach, but I don't know the first thing about art aside from color theory. I just do what I think looks good,"

"You can still learn, that's what you will be doing if you go to school for art, after all," Y/n paused as she thought about the possibility of being an art teacher, and whole idea suddenly became very appealing to her. Seeing creativity swim in young, innocent minds. Seeing the creativity flow with every mark someone made with a pencil or a paint brush made her smile as it was, and she found herself smiling stupidly as the group watched her with anticipation.

"I... I might just try it out, Nagisa. Thank you..." Y/n looked at the ground sheepishly as she shuffled her feet in the dirt, suddenly noticing all the eyes focusing on her.  

"C-Cute?" The group thought in sync as the girls cheeks pinkened at the stares.

"K-Kayano, where are you going?"

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