Underwear Stealer

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Second term had started, and things seemed to be going quite well. The class had seemed to have a nice bond, and worked well together in training exercises that Karasuma made the group go through during PE.

Despite the good bond that the class, including the teachers, had, things didn't last long.

The yellow creature slithered through the classroom door, expecting his kind students to be smiling back at his forever smile, but only to meet glares and disgust. On his desk were magazines and newspapers, with stories about a yellow octopus-like creature stealing women's underwear all around the city. While most of the class scolded the teacher about the accusations, Y/n didn't buy it and sat in her seat like normal.

"Koro-sensei wouldn't do that. He's a creep, sure, but he's not that bad. He's a good guy, in all. You guys are being harsh. Why don't you hear his side of the story?" Y/n walked to the front of the classroom, where her classmates were bombarding the poor teacher with questions and scoldings.

"Thank you, Y/n!" The octopus cried helplessly. 

"What story could he have? What other octopus looking creature would be going around town stealing bras and underwear?" Asked Rio. Y/n shrugged, leaning on a desk.

"He has a bounty on his head, plenty of people could be framing him hoping that someone would take action, or it would weaken him. You never know," The class didn't bother to listen to Y/n, and turned back to their teacher.


The class had really gotten to the creatures head. He taught in a sad, small voice all day, and left with a guilty look on his face when the bell rang for the end of the day.

"We certainly put the octopus through the wringer, didn't we? Some people just can't take the heat," Karma said as soon as the teacher was out of earshot. Nagisa stood from his chair and faced the red head.

"Is he stealing underwear? That is really serious. We are talking an actual crime,"

"Compared to blowing up the Earth? I say it's precious," Y/n's face reddened at the boys deep tone, and looked away when he glanced at her. Since she left his house the day after the summer festival, and their faces would turn red when they would look at each other. " I don't know what I'd do with super speed. But I can tell ya one thing: If I stole underwear, I sure as hell wouldn't be sloppy enough to leave evidence behind," Karma threw a basketball with a bra on it at Nagisa. He explained how he knew that it was not Koro-sensei who stole the underwear. Y/n huffed.

"I knew since the start. It took you guys long enough," She nearly growled. She hated how her classmates made their poor teacher miserable all day, when they only needed to think for two seconds to understand that it was not him who had done it.

The class talked about how they were going to catch the guy who was impersonating their sensei, and Y/n listened to her classmates for the first time all day.

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