You Frustrate Me

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"Why would that idiot listen to that so called guardian of Itona's after the stunt they pulled last time?" Y/n growled as she watched her classmates get dragged away by the rushing water. 

"I didn't do it. This wasn't part of the deal!" Terasaka tried to defend himself, and Karma punched him, making him fall to the ground. Meanwhile, Y/n had run off to make sure the classmates that Koro-Sensei had saved were safe and not choking up water. She knew Karma would get Terasaka's ass handed to him.


Itona had been trying to beat up Koro-Sensei for a while, and we getting tired since he was worried about the students he was not able to help. Karma had told Terasaka how to make it up to the class at least a bit, and the knuckle-head made his way down the waterfall. 

He took a hit in the stomach by Itona's tentacle, but Itona started sneezing because of the boys shirt. The class started splashing Itona, and he was doomed. Y/n smiled, walking up to Karma and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 

"So, you took my notes about Itona, eh?" She asked with a smile and a tilt of her head. Karma blushed and turned his head to the side.

"About what you said earlier...,"

"Eh, how about we get down there?" Y/n jumped down with the rest of the class, throwing off her shirt to reveal her swimsuit top. She was wearing shorts, so she didn't bother with the bottoms. The red head followed suit, jumping down on to a rock.

"Why don't you get down from your perch and say it to my face?" Terasaka pulled Karma down to the water, soaking his clothes.

"Hey! I'm supposed to be your puppet master, remember?" 

'Karma and his growling voice again~," Y/n sweat dropped with a red face and the boys tone.

The class started attacking Karma, ranting about him not wanting to get his hands dirty, and instead opting to tell Terasaka what to do. 


"Hey, Karma~ I think I'm ready to spar with you," Y/n approached the boy the next day.

"Eh~ Really? Won't fall for my charm this time?" He smiled cockily, earning a soft smack of the top of his head. 

"That's not what it was! I only had to work with old men when I assassinated. And before going to school to get Sensei, I don't remember the last time I saw anyone my age, forget a boy!" She crossed her arms over her chest defensively. "I'm a teenager, my hormones are everywhere," Y/n grumbled and turned away.

"Nice to know~" Karma stood from his desk and started to walk from the now empty classroom. "Let's get going then. I want to beat you and get home so I was relax and watch tv," Y/n fell into step with him.

"Good luck~ You caught me by surprise last time but I'll make sure you won't get the best of me this time!" She smiled cockily this time, catching Karma off guard.

The two made it to the field and stood across from each other, ready to spar. They were both smirking, cocky and expecting to win.

'What a fool~'

'It will be fun to see her melt in my hands again~'

"One!" Y/n started, getting into her stance.

"Two!" Karma mirrored her actions, but seemed more loose with it.

"Three!" They shouted together, pouncing into action. Y/n threw the first hit, Karma swiftly moving to the side. She then slid to a stop, turning in the process, and quickly going for the second.

'Just like last time. Fast, and light on her fe-' Y/n slowed down, and turned to behind him, and as he turned around and backed away, she went forwards, making them close. Y/n gripped his arms and pulled herself up, their faces then inches apart. The two were still for a moment, looking into each others eyes. 

Karma's eyes showed surprise, and his cheeks started going pink, and Y/n's showed innocence.

Y/n jumped away, smirking, and watching her peer shake his head to throw himself back into the real world.

"What... The hell was that?" He asked, wondering why she did not land a hit on him when she had the chance. A black widow appeared instead of Y/n as he looked at her, and he shuddered.

She pounced again, and Karma came back to his senses and did the same, dodging what she was doing but trying to throw his own hits at the same time. Then, she started to slow down again, so he followed suit and prepared himself for the strange act she did before, telling himself he would not get shocked and stop again.

She fastened her pace once he had slowed down with her, and attacked while he was still processing what she was doing, going to his side and holding on to his arm with one hand, holding the knife to the opposite side of his neck with the other. She turned his head with the side of the knife, and smiled at his scowl.

"Turn that frown upside-down! I was only using your own tactic against you! And also putting a twist on it!" Karma shrugged her off, but she kept smiling and started giggling. The boy got an idea, deciding to bring up something she had said a few days before.

Karma grabbed the girls wrist and started dragging her. He dragged her to the wall of the school, and pushed her against it.

"I really hate that you took advantage of me, Y/n," Karma said in his growling voice. Y/n squeaked and sunk more into the wall, her face reddening. "You really frustrate me...," He growled out, making Y/n shiver. After a moment of being really close, Karma pulled away and laughed. "You seemed so weak just no-," Karma forced his eyes closed, feeling the impact of something hard on his back. Opening his eyes, he saw Y/n in his face, and he realized she had flipped their positions.

"No, Karma, you really frustrate me. How many times now have I told you to stop acting so assertive?" She whispered angrily. He stayed silent, watching the girls expression. "Do you want me to show you why?" She asked, less angered this time. She leaned closer until they were only an inch apart, tilting her head to the side. Karmas face was pink, and his heart was beating hard in his chest.


Suddenly, she was off of him, and he blinked in surprise.

"What were you doing to my poor baby cousin?" Irina shouted, Y/ns face pressed firmly into the womans huge breasts.

"More like what was she doing to me...," Karma whispered as he sweat dropped, scratching the back of his neck


Stuff is getting heated~

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