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"You weren't at your house when I visited last night, Y/n, what on Earth were you doing that late at night?" Irina scolded the small girl while standing outside the classroom door, earning weird stares from her classmates as they walked in.

"I was training at the junk yard. Irina, I'm not a child, come on. You know I can protect myself," Y/n rolled her eyes, leaning on the wall.

"It's still my job to protect you! I'd be blamed if you  got hurt or kidnapped or-," Y/n covered the woman's mouth, making her unable to continue talking.

"Cuz, I'll be alright. I can take care of myself," Y/n felt an arm go around her shoulder. Looking to the side, she saw red.

"Or I can~ I was with her last night, professor Bitch, so don't worry. She was in good hands~," Karma said before walking into the classroom.

"Y/N, did you sleep with that boy!" The small girl had to explain why she was with Karma, angrily and ready to slap the boy, until Koro-Sensei split the two up.

"Miss Jelavic, would you please stop distracting my student so she can get to class?"

"Bu-," The big octopus-like creature dragged Y/n inside the classroom and shut the door in the woman's face.

"Thank you, Koro-Sensei," She bowed before walking to her seat in the back of the classroom.

All class, Y/n was angrily tapping her nails on the desk, waiting for break so she could yell at the cocky red-head for making Irina think they were involved. Finaly, after a few hours of the octopus teacher teaching, break came.

Y/n shot up from her seat, grabbed the collar of Karmas shirt, and dragged him out of the classroom to one of the empty rooms in the building.

"If you wanted me alone, you could have just told me~," He teased as Y/n sat on a desk. 

"You idiot, now Irina thinks that you and I are something," He raised an eye brow, walking closer to her until he was at the edge of the desk. Karma placed his hands on either sides of her legs, trapping her.

"Oh, you'd be thrilled if we were, so why not let her think it?" He asked with a suggestive smirk. Y/n glared at him and jumped down from the desk, knowing he would move so he wouldn't get hit.

"Psh, yeah, okay. Can't say you wouldn't, eh?" The boy shook his head.

"You seem to forget, I still don't like you," He said smoothly. She walked closer to him, trapping him to a desk.

"Do you?" She got closer, his face flushing slightly red. "I don't think so. I think you're fond of me in your own way, just as I am fond of you," She backed away slowly, allowing him to lean back up. "But I'll let you figure that out in your own way-," Karma shot up, an anti-Sensei knife in hand. She was pushed against a desk with the tip of the knife to her neck. He face became a dark shade of red.

"You don't know me. Don't act like you do. Here you are, trembling because of me. You aren't as cocky as you act," She shuddered at his hot breath hitting her cheek.

"A-Am I trembling because I'm scared?" She asked breathily. 

"What? Of course you-," Karma's cheeks dusted pink as Y/n sat up, ignoring the rubber knife pressing on her throat, and kissed his cheek.

1 hit!

He released her and backed up, watching as she left the room.


Hey, ten chapters and we're getting somewhere...

Karma is almost always the smart one and knows what is going on, but he has no idea what is going on with this girl. I like that he has trouble teasing her, unlike most other people


I found something cool! The trip to Kyoto but animated by a different studio, and also voiced by other people! This version was created before the main series, and I find it quite interesting!

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