Getting Closer

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Irina gave a lecture on how to have a conversation, though quite terribly. Y/n knew that she was more teaching how to flirt, but held her tongue as she glared at her cousin. Finally, Irina compared talking to french kissing and Y/n lost her temper, getting up from her seat and dragging her cousin out of the classroom by her ear


"Irina~ I want to get home, lets go-," Y/n's eyes widened as she saw the woman hanging by a noose, their teacher of assassinating standing in front of the woman. 

"Ah, Y/n, I'm glad you're here as well," Y/n shuddered at the man in front of her. Once Koro-Sensei arrived, Y/n calmed down and waited for the situation to simmer down. 


Irina took to trying to seduce Karasuma, though of course failed. Karasuma was too smart for her, and she knew it. Deep down, Irina knew that. Y/n hated that she had to watch the failed attempts, though. Her cousins confidence getting kicked down to dust for the first time since childhood.

Later on, the class watched through the window as Irina approached Karasuma.

"Have a look at this, it's Mr. K," Y/n stood next to Karma to watch. Karma blushed but Y/n didn't think to notice the closeness. She squeezed in front of him, other students now crowding at the window and not allowing Karma to move away.

"What in the hell is she thinking? She better not try to do him a "Favor" at school," Y/n made mental note to scold her cousin after school let out. Karasuma was obviously flustered at the gesture.

Y/n blushed as Irina was quick and shocked Karasuma. The man held back at first, but eventually let the woman jab him with the rubber knife

"Irk, is it wrong to be attracted to her? I mean, she's not my actual cousin," Y/n smiled sheepishly as she scratched her neck, blushing, and turning around to face Karma. She didn't realize how close they were until they were face-to-face. They both blushed, but were let apart as the class started to disperse.


The octopus had boasted about going to the Sonic Ninja movie in Hawaii all class, and Y/n couldn't help but over hear. Growing up with the government down her back, she didn't get to enjoy many normal child-like things, but when she worked extra hard, her reward was the newest issue of the Sonic Ninja comic, so she knew she had to go with the teacher after school. 

After school, she saw Nagisa and Karma was talking to Koro-Sensei about the same thing. 

"Hold on! If you're taking them, take me too please!" She ran to them, bowing to the teacher. 

"I can believe Karma, but how did you get your hands on the comics Y/n?" Koro-Sensei asked the girl. She smiled, starting to explain. "Well, I assume this would be your only ever chance at getting to see it, so I'll take you along with them," In an instant, the three were shoved in his coat with only their heads poking out the top. Y/n blushed at how close they all were, specially Karma, as did he.

"I've been to Hawaii before, it's got but so pretty!" Y/n cheered as they landed. They wen't inside and shivered, getting handed blankets by Koro-Sensei. Y/n was the only one who didn't need the movie to be translated. She was from America originally after all


Y/n walked home with the two boys, feeling rather awkward considering they were friends, but one of the two even disliked her. Nagisa was the first to leave the group, and Y/n felt even more awkward if possible.

"Are you actually going to do the homework?" She asked Karma quietly.

"Yeah, why not? I might get him down in the dumps with my criticism though," He laughed. "Why? Are you?" She nodded while blushing.

"Yeah... Can I come over? We can do them at the same time and talk about it or something...," She looked down, her voice getting quieter and quieter the more she talked. Karma's face dusted pink as he shrugged. 

"Don't... you think it'd be easier to take advantage of you in my own home?" He smirked, his blush not going away. Y/n laughed, elbowing him.

"Idiot! You wouldn't!" He let himself be pushed and continued to laugh.

"Yeah, I'm not that bad... Maybe,"


"I guess you'll have to find out~,"


The two are getting closer~

You might be wondering why Irina was told to leave but not Y/n since they were both taught assassination by the same person. It's because Y/n goes to school there in the first place. Since she was also taught by the government, you would think she wouldn't go to a normal school. Well, she was put into the school under cover because the government didn't want another thing that the principal could hold over their heads, so they didn't tell the school about Y/n's past and told her to get herself in trouble so she was moved to E class. They put her in the school the moment they learned about Koro-Sensei teaching there

This is one of the easiest books I've ever written for some reason? I dunno why

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