Being Assertive

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Ever since Karma had told Y/n that he didn't hate her anymore, she tried to hand out with him more. Despite how she knew she should stay serious about her mission to kill Koro-Sensei, or at least act like it, she let herself have a guilty pleasure. Having a friend, and pretending she was a normal kid.


Y/n walked next to Karma, and to his other side was Nagisa and Sugino. The other two boys seemed to be slightly uncomfortable that she was there, but both her and Karma chose to ignore it and act like everything was normal.

"Ah~ The crappy weather is almost over!"

"It'll be getting warm soon,"

"Lets start spending more time outside. I wanna be active,"

"Sounds good to me~,"

"I can start getting fresh air when I train~ Sadly, that means part of my test will be in the yard. Aw~," Y/n said the last part quietly so only Karma could hear her, and the other boys pretty much ignored what she had said anyway. She tried not to frown, and Karma noticed how she was feeling. He bumped her arm playfully, and offered her a smile, which she returned.

"What would you say to some fishing?" Karma asked the group. Y/n gave him a strange look, wondering what he meant since she knew he was not serious about fishing.

"In the summer months, delinquents are out in troves. Use Nagisa as bait and there's no limit to how many of the bastards we can take down," Karma said his scheme in a growling type voice. Y/ns face turned dark red.

"Don't talk... In that kinda voice...," Y/n squeaked. Karma turned back to normal and looked at her questioningly.



The sports festival was rather boring to Y/n since she disliked sports, and she let it all breeze past. She did like that the boys handed the principals ass to him in their baseball game, though.


The class walked through the forest, trailing behind their Sensei, in the blistering heat. Most of the class complained, but Y/n smiled like it was nothing.

"Alright class, feast your eyes on this!" Koro- Sensei pulled back some bushes to reveal a pond. "Your very own swimming hole! Compliments of mwah!" 

Everyone cheered as they threw off their track suits as quick as they could, jumping in the water with joy. Y/n smiled, having not ever swam when it was not for training, and started to remove her outfit. She felt a stare on the back of her head, and turned around to see Karma. Her face turned pink, and she turned back around at the same time as him, and removed the rest of her clothing.

"Okajima! Stop being such a creep!" Y/n bonked the boy on the head, making him drop his camera in the water.

"Aw, my camera..."

"You deserved it, don't be a perv," Karma butted in, putting his arm around Y/n's shoulder.

"Like you're never one!"

"Yeah, Karma," Y/n sweat dropped, thinking of him staring at her when she was taking off her track suit. He laughed nervously in return.

Koro-Sensei started yelling at everyone for every small thing they did at the pool, making everyone complain at his strictness. Karma pulled on the chair the teacher was on, making the guy shriek.


Terasaka started acting up about Koro-Sensei, and ended up snapping at Karma. Karma, as a result, grabbed the boys face and threatened him, making him leave.

"Uh, Karma, maybe stop being so assertive," Y/n squeaked as she squirmed.

"Huh? Why's that, Y/n? You said that the other day, too. Are you scared?" Karma walked closer to the small girl, backing her against the wall. The class was too distracted, complaining about Terasaka.

"N-No," The red head towered over her, and pinned her to the wall.

"That's not what this look tells me," He gave out a sadistic smirk. 

"It's not... fear," She whimpered, looking down. She quickly ducked and ran off, leaving Karma to think over what she said.

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