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"Jungkook? Are you in here?"

Eunji rushed into the practice room, breathing heavily. When Yoongi had told her over the phone that Jungkook hadn't come home, she swore her heart stopped beating for a good thirty seconds. They had finished practice at eleven and it was three am right now. The next thing she knew, she slipped on a hoodie and sweatpants and hopped into her car to drive to his company building.

She flicked the switch on and within a millisecond, Eunji recognized his masculine figure in a white t-shirt and sweatpants, sitting in the corner with his head buried in his knees. A small sigh of relief escaped her mouth, glad to have found him here.

Without saying anything Eunji shuffled across the room, making her way to sit beside the clearly distressed boy. Then she placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention.

"Jungkook-ah," She spoke in a soft voice. She lightly nudged his shoulder.

Jungkook lifted his head, revealing the red under his eyes. It took only one look for Eunji to wrap her arms around his body, engulfing him in a much needed embrace. From then the maknae couldn't help but to sob into her sweater.

"It's's okay," Eunji cooed, rubbing his back in soothing circles. "I'm here. Let it out."

After what seemed like carrying this huge burden, Jungkook released his emotions. He cried and cried into her embrace. Eunji continued to hold the boy tight, rubbing his back, and occasionally pressing a kiss against his hair. But tears couldn't help but sting her eyes, seeing the person she loved most falling apart. And soon water was leaking from her eyes along with Jungkook.

After a good ten minutes his tears slowed, allowing Eunji to softly whisper, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Everything I do..." Jungkook sniffed. "I let the fans down. How am I supposed to fix all this?"

Anger burned inside of Eunji. She wasn't mad at Jungkook, she could never be. But she was outraged with the people who had been tormenting him with their false accusations and spew of hate.

Eunji wiped a tear from his cheek, "You didn't do anything wrong. You never let Army down."

"It's those screwed up minds of the haters who can't see how truly extraordinary you are," She said in a calm tone, letting her fingers play with his hair.

Jungkook shook his head, "I don't know...I don't know what to do Jagi. I feel so crappy."

"It's hard, I know," She sighed, going back to hugging his waist. "But you have to block them out."

Eunji's eyes poured into the despair in his eyes, "You have to remember that the real Armies love you for being Jeon Jungkook."

"You think so?" Jungkook asked, still feeling slight unease.

With her fingers she gently lifts Jungkook's chin and pecked his lips.

"I know so," She reassured, now tracing around the fabric of his shirt.

He snuggled closer to the girl, resting his head on her chest. His eyes felt heavy, as he tried to keep them open. Up until now he hadn't realized how exhausted he was. Hearing Eunji's words were comforting and made him question why he was so stressed out in the first place.

"We don't care if you want to grow out your hair or get a tattoo. We don't care if you make a mistake in the choreography and we don't care if you act human for once," Eunji continued. "Every stumble, every fall, no matter what we will always love and support you."

Then Eunji felt the boy's slightly tighten his grip on her waist, hugging her body closer to his. He lifted his head to kiss her, "G-gomawo Jagiya. I love you."

She nodded in response and rested her head on top of his as she caressed the hand with his army tattoo. "Love you too, Jungkook-ah."



Annyeong my lovely readers. I hope you liked this imagine. I wrote this as a reminder that Jungkook is human too. On stage, he may be this gleeful idol who sings and dances. But at the end of the day, he's a twenty-three year old adult who is still growing in various aspects. No one is perfect, not Jungkook or anyone in BTS. Yes he has made mistakes and he will make many more. But you and I make mistakes too, it's inevitable. The best we can do is try to understand each other and if you can't even do that then at least respect each other.

Sorry this was so long lol. Thank you for reading ^_^

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