Accept | Werewolf AU pt. 1

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*idea given by beyond_the_scenes258

"Let's play truth or dare!" Chun-ae suggested with a mischievous smile.

Truth or dare? Were they children? But everyone else seemed to like the idea so Eunji just went along with it. She hesitantly went to sit down in the makeshift circle the girls had made. Eunji didn't even know why she came to this stupid party anyway. She didn't like social events and hated these fake girls even more. Aish if only Ae-cha hadn't promised to buy her meat the other day.

The girls were all giggling as they gave each other trivial dares and predictable truths. Eunji barely paid attention to the game, hoping to pass by as invisible as she did most of the time. Ae-cha nudged her friend, to get into the game but Eunji was disinterested.

"Eunji, truth or dare," Chun-ae said, giving the girl her fake amiable smile. Eunji had to hold back her urge to gag.

Now everyone's attention was on her and Eunji hated it. If she chose dare, Chun-ae would take this chance to completely humiliate Eunji. But then if she chose truth, the girls would only tease her for it. Eunji already felt sick, thinking about it.

"Dare," Eunji said reluctantly.

Chun-ae smiled and pretended to think, "Hmm...I dare you to go outside in the woods of this house for an hour."

"Oh, and you have to take a picture of yourself to prove it," Miji added.

It was dark out and no one knew what was in those forest trees. Chun-ae had told the girls stories that people who did dare to go in there never came back. Eunji knew that these girls were trying to get a reaction out of her. She knew they would do anything to make her look pathetic. But Eunji wasn't having it, not today.

"Fine, I'll do it," She stood up from her seat, pretending to be unbothered by the silent pressure the girls were all giving her.

"Have fun!" Chun-ae waved the girl off, giggling to her friends. "Beware of the wolves!"

Ignoring the fact that Chun-ae probably gave her this dare to only get rid of her, Eunji was happy to have an excuse to leave the party. After grabbing her jacket and putting her shoes on, she walked out of the house and into the woods. It wasn't too cold tonight, and the wind blew gently through her long brown hair.

The full moon was out along with dazzling silver stars surrounding it. As she walked through the pathway of tall trees, Eunji couldn't help but think how nice this all might look during the daytime. The only noises heard were her footsteps and the faint chirps of crickets. The joke was on Chun-ae and her friends because Eunji didn't get scared easily.

Using her phone as a flashlight, she continued to walk through the dark woods. Suddenly the sound of whimpering filled her ears. Stopping in her tracks, Eunji made a turn and began to follow the whimpers. The curiosity of what might be there was eating her up.

Finally, she made it into a small clearing, where she saw a brown-haired figure with a tail, caught up in a rope-like net. Eunji gasped at the sight. It appeared to be some wolf-like creature, and it seemed hurt. The wolf looked at her and whimpered again. Eunji couldn't help but feel bad for the creature.

Deciding that she couldn't just walk away as if she hadn't seen anything, Eunji bent down to help him. She took a pocket knife out from her pocket, one that she always keeps for protection. The wolf growled, thinking that this person would harm him.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," Eunji cooed, gently reaching her hand to scratch between his ears.

He leaned into her touch, and let out a happy sound. Now that Eunji had gained her trust she began to cut the tough rope net he was trapped in.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here," She told him in a soft voice. After a few minutes of cutting the string and untangling, she had managed to free the wolf from the trap it had been caught in.

Eunji glanced down to his paw which seemed to be bleeding. She hadn't the slightest idea of what happened, but she felt bad. Why would someone try to harm this animal? It's not like he did anything to them. The wolf looked at her with sad eyes, and Eunji could see the pain in them.

"I...I think I might have a first aid kit in my car," Eunji said to him. "I...I don't know if you understand me, but if you want I can help you."

Maybe Eunji was crazy, but she didn't really care at the moment. The wolf was clearly in pain, and she didn't like the sight of seeing anything hurt. The wolf seemed to understand her and gently nudged her hand with his nose.

Eunji nodded, "Do you think you can walk?"

The wolf got up but limped as he walked. Making sure that he didn't hurt himself any further, Eunji led the way back to her car. She knew any passing stranger would think she was insane for what she was doing. But it was midnight, and no one was out right now. Taking some bandages out from the first aid kit, Eunji carefully wrapped them around the wolf's paw.

"There, you should feel better now," Eunji said, petting the wolf's head. The wolf licked her hand as if he was showing her gratitude. She smiled, it was almost as if she was petting a dog. "You can go back to your home now."

Expecting the wolf to go back to the woods, he only stared at her. He looked as if he wanted to tell her something.

Eunji tilted her head, "Do you not have a home to go back to?"

The wolf nudged her hand again as if saying yes. Eunji glanced around her, wondering if what she was about to do is okay. She certainly didn't plan on going back to Chun-ae's party. They probably thought she got eaten by some wild animal anyway. It was late too, and Eunji was exhausted from the day. She might as well take the wolf home for the night and think about what to do with him tomorrow.

"Alright you can come back home with me," Eunji said to the wolf. "But you have to behave okay?"

The wolf licked her hand again, making Eunji smile. Opening her car door, the wolf crawled into the backseat. Driving back home, Eunji wasn't sure what to think. She hadn't expected to be taking a wolf back home. But this was a crazy world wasn't it?

"I'll have to apologize. My place isn't very big," Eunji said, once they arrived. It took a lot of effort into sneaking the wolf past the lobby and quickly ushering him into her apartment.

Eunji took off her shoes and hung up her jacket on the hanger. She turned on the lights, revealing her small living room. This apartment was only made for one person, which was all Eunji needed. She rarely had people over, much less animals.

"Um here are some blankets, I don't know if you need them," Eunji said, laughing nervously. The wolf tilted his head at her. "You can sleep on the couch I guess."

Setting the blankets on the end of the couch, she covered her mouth as she yawned.

"I'm going to go to sleep now," She told him. "Good night er... Mr. Wolf."

It was silly to give the wolf a name. But the wolf didn't seem to mind and obediently rested on her couch. Eunji turned off the living room lights and retired to her bedroom for the night.

The sun's painful light woke Eunji up the next morning. She didn't have any classes today considering that it was the weekend, so today was a day she could just relax. Then the reminder that a wolf was in her apartment popped in her mind. She would have to decide on what to do with him today. Sighing, she got up and headed to her bathroom to get ready for the day.

After showering, she made her way into the living room expecting to see the wolf sleeping on her couch. But to her surprise, the wolf wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was a man?! Eunji gasps, stepping back. The man woke up and looks at Eunji with surprise.

"What the-"


Annyeong my lovely readers! I really hope you liked part one of this one-shot. Again this idea was given to me by the person I mentioned in the beginning of this. Thank you so much for the idea! I've actually never written a werewolf au before, nor have I read one. So it was really interesting to try it, and I'm already working on part two. I hope you like it, please comment if you do! Thank you for reading. Please stay safe and healthy everyone ^_^

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