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*requested by Kookie_thea01

Thank you so much for requesting ^_^

It had only been six months since Jungkook and Eunji tied knots. Eunji couldn't get over the fact that she got to spend the rest of her life with someone she had come to love much. It was a fantasy that had strangely come true. She couldn't be happier.

But then he started distancing himself from her. When she did talk to him he would respond coldly saying, "Jagi I'm tired," "I'm busy," or "not right now Eunji." She didn't know what she had done to have Jungkook act this way towards her, and it was making her frustration grow every day.

If there was a problem, why wouldn't Jungkook come talk to her? Did she do something wrong? Was she not caring enough? Eunji spent sleepless nights trying to think of a reason for Jungkook's coldness. But as she thought, she couldn't find any.

Time passed, and Eunji was getting fed up. It had become a routine for Jungkook to come home really late at night, eat the food she had made for him, work in his home office or go to sleep. There was no, "How was your day Jagi?" or "I love you." The more Jungkook kept this up, the more self conscious she became.

As a response to Jungkook's strange behavior, Eunji, being stubborn, decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. That week, she stopped trying to make a conversation with him. She didn't ask about his day, knowing that she would get a lazy reply. When he came home, she pretended to be sleeping. She spent more time out, and even took more shifts at work to avoid Jungkook.

As she expected, Jungkook caught on and slowly grew frustrated. Why was she ignoring him as if he didn't even exist? He knew that he hasn't been his best lately, but he didn't like the idea of Eunji avoiding him. So one night after work, he stormed into their shared bedroom and turned on the light.

"Okay how long are we going to be like this?" He asked.

Eunji sits up in bed and glares at her husband, "What are you talking about?"

"You! I know you're giving me the silent treatment," Jungkook says with his arms crossed. Annoyance was written all over his face. "Come on Jagi, do you have to be so childish?"

Childish? What the heck is going through his brain? He was the one who's been ignoring her!

Eunji bit her lip in anger, "You're one to talk aren't you? You're the one who's been so distant the past month! Yet you get mad when I do it to you?"

Jungkook didn't know what to say. She was right and he knew it. She felt guilty for ignoring Jungkook and knew she was wrong in handling the situation. For she had not made things better. But Eunji could only take so much of Jungkook acting as if she didn't even exist. Did he not know how much it hurt?

"I don't know what I did to make you treat me like this," Eunji said, sounding as if she might cry. "What did I do wrong?"

"Eunji-" Jungkook tried to speak, but is cut off by Eunji.

She couldn't stop the tears that filled her eyes, "You're rarely home anymore and you just flat out ignore me. Is it so hard to love me Jungkook?"

Seeing Eunji like this, made Jungkook regret what he's done. He knew he was in the wrong, Eunji didn't deserve to be treated the way he did. In all honesty, he was just scared. He had never been in such a serious relationship until he met Eunji. Now that he was married, had his dream job, and a loving family, it all often left Jungkook wondering if it was okay to be this happy?

He wondered if Eunji was happy. He knew how hard it must be for her, knowing that he was gone for half the year touring with his band. Didn't she want to be in a normal relationship? Jungkook was never good at expressing his emotions and he didn't want Eunji to see him vulnerable. His insecurities led him to Eunji thinking he didn't love her anymore. What could hurt more than that?

Jungkook went to sit beside Eunji on the bed, "I-I'm sorry Jagi."

"Marriage isn't supposed to be like this," Eunji said in a quiet voice, looking down at her hands.

Jungkook's heart broke as he saw tears fall from her eyes. Not really knowing what else to do, he leaned into wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm sorry Jagi. I shouldn't have been that way towards you," Jungkook whispered.

Eunji began to cry into Jungkook's shirt. It had been so long since he hugged her. Jungkook rubbed her back comfortingly and repeatedly whispered that he was sorry.

"I...I was just afraid of us," Jungkook confessed, once her sobs slowed down. "I mean, we never get to do much because of my career and I'm gone a lot of the time. Sometimes I just wish we could be a normal couple."

Eunji glanced up at Jungkook, seeing the tears in his eyes. She really wished he had said something earlier. They had only been married for a few months, but they've been together for three years already. It hurt that he couldn't come to her when he was stressed.

"Aish Jungkook, if I wanted to be a normal couple I wouldn't have agreed to being your wife," She sniffed. Her eyes were now red from crying. Jungkook hated it, knowing he was the reason for her tears.

She lightly smacked his shoulder, "Pabo, why didn't you just say something?"

"Mianhae. I...I just didn't want you to worry," He said, wishing that he could say more than sorry. He just wanted to make everything right again. He had let his fears get the best of him and ended up hurting Eunji, who he loved so much.

She gently lifted his chin so his eyes would meet hers, "Jungkook, I'm afraid you don't get to choose what I worry about. I only worry because I love you, especially when you pull things like this." 

"I know with your idol career, keeping our relationship isn't going to be easy. But I knew what I was getting myself into when we first started dating, and if it means that I get to love you every day then it's worth it in my book," She reassured him. Seeing him now, Eunji could tell he regretted what he did. She was mad before, but she was ready to forgive him.

"Promise me that you will talk to me when you're feeling like this?" Eunji asks, raising her pinky finger. His pinky finger interlaced with hers.

"I promise to be better," Jungkook said sincerely. He felt as if a thousand weights had been lifted off his shoulders. "I'm sorry for making you worry like this."

Eunji pecked his forehead before pulling Jungkook down to lay beside her on the bed.

"I missed you Jungkook-ah," She said softly as she gently ran her fingers through his black locks.

Jungkook leaned in to give her a proper kiss on the lips, "I missed you too. I...I love you Eunji-yah."

"I love you too," She said then kisses him back. Jungkook chuckles, and cuddles him in her arms.


Annyeong my lovely readers! To the person who requested this, I'm sorry if you don't like it. I made it a little bit more angsty than I think you wanted, so I really apologize. This is my last week of school so I'll hopefully be able to update more often. Thank you for reading. Please stay healthy and safe ^_^

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