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Eunji glanced at her reflection in the mirror, to make sure she didn't miss anything. For someone who never really did much with her simple brunette hair, she had decided to curl it into subtle waves today. Then she wore the outfit that Chaewon had specifically helped her choose for today. Which was a simple black top with a black skirt with a red rose pattern. She had put on some makeup, but it was a natural look. She didn't like wearing makeup that was caked on the face To top it all off, she wore the sparkly long silver earrings that Jungkook gave to her on her last birthday.

Now why did Eunji decide to dress up today? After buying at least fifty of Got7's latest album, she had finally gotten a ticket to their fan sign! She had been an Aghase for years, and now her dreams to meet them were finally coming true. She glanced at the time on her phone anxiously. The meeting was almost two hours from now, but Chaewon was supposed to be over soon so they could take the bus together.

"Jungkook-ah I'll be leaving soon," She said, exiting the bedroom to the living room.

If Jungkook made a response, she didn't hear it. The only sounds she heard were the gunshots from the TV and the furious sounds of the controller in Jungkook's hands. Eunji knew too well that he only played like this when he was upset about something.

"Jungkook?" She called his name, walking up to the couch to gently shake his shoulder.

Not looking up at her he mumbled a barely audible, "Eo?"

"I'm be going to the fan sign soon," Eunji said, adjusting her purse strap. "I just wanted to let you know so you don't worry."

Still not bothering to acknowledge her, "Okay."

"Are you okay? You're being passive aggressive," She asked. She was genuinely concerned about why he was acting like this all of a sudden. Did she do something to anger him?

Jungkook shrugged her hand off, "I'm fine."

"Jungkook," She said in a warning tone. After being with the boy for three years, Eunji could read him easily. Whenever he got angry or sad, he would act passive with her instead of expressing his true feelings. Luckily, Eunji knew exactly how to handle this small problem when it came.

Jungkook sighed and paused the game, throwing the controller onto the coffee table.

"I-it's nothing Jagi. Go have fun at the fansign," he said, trying to smile. His mouth tasted bitter at the word "fansign."

Eunji smiled to herself, suspecting why Jungkook was upset right now. Just to confirm...

"Jungkookie, I'm so happy that I'm finally going to meet Jinyoung Oppa," She squealed. "He has to be one of the most handsome idols. I can't imagine how even more handsome he looks in person!"

Jungkook pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek, hearing his girlfriend fangirl over someone other than him. Eunji smirked at his expression and walked around the couch to sit next to him.

"You're jealous aren't you, Jungkook-ah?" She asked, reaching her hand to tousle his hair.

Jungkook was quick to defend himself, "Wh-what? No I'm not! There are a lot of handsome men out there, I-it's good that you recognize that."

Eunji giggled, "Cute."

"I'm not jealous!" Jungkook insisted, trying not to make it obvious that he was flustered right now. Eunji couldn't resist anymore and leaned in to peck his cheek.

A blush spread across Jungkook's cheeks along with a small smile. Not making eye contact with her, he muttered, "Maybe I'm a little jealous."

"A little?" Eunji teases. Not lying, she loved seeing this side of Jungkook. She didn't know how someone could be so cute when they're jealous.

Jungkook sighed, "Okay I'm really jealous! Come on Jagi, it's almost as if you want Jinyoung Hyung as your boyfriend instead of me."

Instead of a direct response, Eunji kissed Jungkook's cheek again. Then kissed his nose, forehead, and his other cheek. She proceeds to pepper his faces with her kisses which made Jungkook laugh because of how it tickled.

"Don't ever think that anyone could replace you," She said when she finishes. "You're Jeon Jungkook for goodness sake, how can I possibly get better than that?"

Jungkook brushed a hair behind her ear, "Chongmal?"

"Yes and don't let anyone make you think otherwise," Eunji said, lightly smacking his shoulder.

Jungkook nodded, "I'm sorry for getting jealous."

"Don't be, it's perfectly normal," Eunji shrugged. "It's actually relieving to see the Jungkook get jealous."


Eunji quickly got up from the couch and headed for the door, "Well I should get going. I gotta go see Jinyoung Oppa's handsome face, remember?"

"Aish you ought to get a scolding," Jungkook said under his breath, ready to attack Eunji with his cuddles any second now.

Sadly he couldn't do it because she was already halfway out the door. But before she fully left she blew a kiss and called out, "Jal ga, saranghae!"

The door closed, leaving an adorably jealous Jungkook. Aish she was lucky that he loved her. He was already plotting his revenge for when she returned home.



Annyeong my lovely readers! I haven't updated in awhile, so I hope you liked this (very) fluffy imagine. I hope everyone is doing well. I know that everything has been chaotic lately, but I pray and hope that everything will get better. I just hope you guys know that hate and violence isn't going to solve anything. There are other ways to fight without involving those things, right? Anyway please stay safe and healthy ^_^

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