Bad Girl Pt. 2

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Eunji throws her bag to the side, feeling quite bitter today. But when did she not feel crappy? She takes out her phone after feeling the vibration in her jacket pocket.

Eomma: Sorry honey but I have to work a double shift again. Take care of the apartment for me, please?

Eunji presses her tongue inside her cheek and puts her phone off to the side. Eomma never had time for her. Not that she really cared anymore. She couldn't even be mad because Eomma was just doing her job as a neurosurgeon at one of the best hospitals in the state. Being such an important doctor meant lots of late hours. There would often be times where her mom didn't come home at all.

She then hears the clanking of alcohol bottles. That was when she looked down to the floor where soju bottles laid. Oh gosh not again. Eunji curses under her breath, knowing that she'll wake up the next morning in a whole lot of pain.

"Kim Eunji!" the voice of her father bellows.

Eunji slowly walks into the living room where her drunken father was watching the TV. He turns and harshly glares at his daughter.

Eunji says cooly and calmly, "Please leave, Abeoji."

Apeoji gives the girl a look of disgust and spits on her shoe. Eunji closes her eyes, clenching her fists in frustration. Hold it in Eunji-yah.

"You dare to speak to your father in such a way?" Abeoji grits his teeth. "I can come back home when I want to."

"Why would you want to come back when you're the one who left us?" Eunji asks, becoming impatient. "You don't make any sense."

SLAP! Eunji fumbles back, raising her hand to soothe her inflamed cheek. Abeoji picks the girl up by her collar.

"You ungrateful brat! You're not allowed to speak to me in that tone," He spits in her face.

Eunji bravely looks him in the eyes, "If you came here to beat the crap out of me, go ahead then. I don't freaking care."

Her body was thrown onto the floor. Eunji landed on her hip and hissed in pain. That would cause a new bruise.

"I don't need your frickin permission," He scoffs, before kicking his daughter in the stomach.

Eunji let the cruel man beat her. She let him slap her, kick her, let him throw his empty alcohol bottle on her head. No matter how much the inflicted pain intensified, her eyes remained dry the entire time. After having cried so much as a child, there were no more tears left. The wounds would make her stronger.


"Now today we will be learning binomials" Ms. Brole, the math teacher gestures to the digital whiteboard. "Listen carefully and then I will hand out your homework."

Jungkook leans back in his seat, seeming disinterested in Ms. Brole's lecture since math was never his strong suit. Eunji must have thought the same because he noticed her not even looking at the teacher to pretend that she was listening. Instead, she was sketching diligently in a notebook. Out of curiosity, the boy tilts his head to get a peek of what she was drawing. Her hands moved elegantly across the paper as she created a detailed sketch of a rose wearing its prickly thorns on the stem.

"You do know it's rude to stare at other people, right?" She asks, not even looking up from her paper.

Jungkook nearly jumped in his seat, not expecting her to notice him like that.

"A-ah...sorry," Jungkook mumbles, touching his hair. "I-"

"Ms. Kim and Mr. Jeon," Ms. Brole's sudden voice almost causes Jungkook to jump out of his chair. Eunji doesn't even flinch at the sharp tone in the teacher's voice. "Can one of you please tell me what I just told the class?"

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