The Best Gift

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To say that Jungkook was tired was an understatement. The first half of the month was made up of long hours of dance practice, long hours at the recording studio, working on the album and working on anything else that needed improvement. Jungkook hated to complain and he rarely did. But on the inside he was exhausted and stressed.

What affected him more was the fact that Jungkook hadn't been able to see his girlfriend, Eunji. He already didn't get to see often due to their busy schedules. Not being to see the girl that gave him strength and love whenever needed, took a toll on him.

Finally it was today that Jungkook had gotten a day off. So of course, he made plans to visit Eunji. He had called her in advance last night and she sounded thrilled to see her boyfriend after so long. All Jungkook wanted was to pull her into his arms and cuddle for the whole day.

Eunji jumped when the doorbell rang. She had been so occupied with preparing everything, that she had lost track of time. Well at least she was done now.

Within the next thirty seconds Eunji did some last touch ups, slipped off the apron and checked her hair. Once she was confident with her appearance, she opened the door with a sweet smile on her face.

Before she could greet her guest, the boy crashed her into a longing embrace. Eunji was startled at first but hugged back in content. Both absorbed each other's scent and warmth. Eunji couldn't recall the last time they had hugged like this.

"I missed you so much," Jungkook murmured, resting his chin on her head.

Eunji pulled away and cupped his cheeks with her hands, "I missed you too, Jungkook-ah."

Jungkook pressed tiny kisses on her knuckles, "I'm so sorry I couldn't see you sooner. I'm not even on tour but I still barely get to be with you. I'm sorry Jagi."

"Aish you have nothing to be sorry about," said Eunji. "I understand you're busy. All I care about is you being healthy and happy, you know that."

Jungkook smiled but Eunji could still tell he felt guilty. Eunji squeezed his hand and hoped she could cheer him up quickly.

"C'mon, I have a surprise for you," She tugged on his hand and led him out of the hallway.

Jungkook instantly smelled the aroma of his favorite foods. When Eunji led him to her living room (which was also the dining room and kitchen), Jungkook's jaw dropped slightly.

"Ta-da!" Eunji cheered, gesturing what she had spent all day preparing.

She had all of Jungkook's favorite dishes set on her small dining table. Right above was a cutely decorated banner on the wall that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY JUNGKOOKIE!"

Realization dawned on Jungkook. He had been so busy and stressed that he had forgotten that today was his birthday. But Eunji had remembered and she prepared all of this for him.

Eunji smiled at the boy's reaction, "I spent all morning preparing for this. I know it isn't something big or fancy like what your fans would do. But I tried my best to include things that you like. What...what do you think?"

Jungkook looked at Eunji and hugged her again, "I love everything Eunji-yah. You really didn't have to do all of this for me."

Eunji laughed, "Of course I had to, silly. You're the love of my life and I wanted to do something special."

Jungkook was at loss for words, still trying to process everything around. Luckily, Eunji sat him down and started making a lettuce wrap for him.

"Come on. I know you've been working really hard," Eunji said to him.

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