Trick or Treat | Halloween Special

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"Trick or what?" Eunji looked up from her book. She had been studying while Jungkook talked to her through video chat.

A smile stretched across Jungkook's lips at his girlfriend's cutely confused expression.

"Trick or treat," Jungkook repeated. "The guys and I want you to come with us on Halloween."

Eunji pursed her lips, "I don't know Jungkook. Isn't Halloween on a Saturday this year?"

"You don't have any classes on Saturday," Jungkook said.

Eunji opened her mouth to say something but Jungkook spoke before her, "Yeah you have your part time job on Saturday but we won't be going until later in the evening."

Eunji let out a light sigh. Jungkook sure paid a lot more attention to her schedule than she had expected him to. To be honest it kind of touched her, but she wasn't going to talk about that.

"Yeah..." Eunji said slowly, glancing back at her book. She usually used Saturdays to study or do some house cleaning.

Jungkook clasped his hands together and showed his puppy eyes, "Please Jagiya! It's only one day and I promise it will be fun."

Eunji tried not to smile at Jungkook's cuteness. Jungkook could see through the screen that she was thawing out. All she needed was a little more prodding.

"If you go, I promise to go with you on that noraebang date," Jungkook said. "Also, I'll let you win in my favorite game and I'll come visit you more."

Eunji rolled her eyes, "Wow you'll only do these things if I go trick or treating with you?"

"Jagiya..." Jungkook pouted. "Please I really want you to come."

Eunji chuckled at the boy, "Alright alright, I'll go."

"YES!" Jungkook shouted in triumph. "You won't regret it, Jagi. You can even choose our costumes!"

"Wow that sounds so fun," Eunji commented sarcastically. But she was happy seeing how excited Jungkook was. She found it hard to believe that he was older than her sometimes.

Suddenly the voice of Jin spoke through the screen, "Yah Jeon Jungkook, why are you shouting?"

"Oh sorry, Hyung," Jungkook blushed and looked back to Eunji. "I have to go now Jagi, see you this week."

Eunji waved goodbye, "Okay. Make sure to eat all your meals and get some rest."

"Ne Eomma!" Jungkook blew her a kiss before ending the call.

"Aish this boy..."


"Eunji-yah, hurry! The guys will be here any minute," Jungkook called out from the living room.

Eunji checked her reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this.

"I'm coming!" She said, and finally stepped out of her bedroom.

Jungkook stood up to see her and instantly smiled, "You look so pretty!"

Eunji blushed and looked down at her feet, "Thank you."

Jungkook had let Eunji choose their costumes. With great consideration she had decided to dress up as the main characters from Hotel Del Luna. She was wearing a light blue double breasted blazer and a long pleated skirt that was the same color. Along with that she put her hair into a ponytail just like Jang Man Wol had in the picture.

Then there was Jungkook who looked dashing in his dark blue manager suit. He fit the Gu Chan Seong look perfectly.

Ding Dong!

"Oh that must be the guys," Jungkook said.

Eunji nodded, "I'll get it."

"Trick or treat!" Eunji was greeted by the boys.

She smiled, when she saw their costumes. Taehyung was dressed as the Joker, Hoseok was a skeleton, Yoongi was a scary clown, Namjoon was a vampire, Jin was a pirate, and Jimin had on a kimchi cabbage costume.

"Hi guys," She smiled.

"Aw look at you two wearing a couple costumes," Jin gestured to Jungkook and I.

"Hey don't hate because you don't have a girlfriend, Hyung," Jungkook said defensively, wrapping an arm around Eunji.

"Yah-" Jin was about to argue.

But Yoongi came in between them and interrupted, "Okay children, stop talking and let's just leave to get some free candy."

Eunji covered her hand to muffle her laugh. The group of friends left the house to go walk through the neighborhoods. Jungkook and Eunji walked hand in hand, behind everyone.

The guys received several weird looks by people when they went to trick or treat at different houses. Surely they weren't little kids, but definitely acted like them.

Then Taehyung popped out and shouted, "Boo!"

To the boy's disappointment, Eunji showed no sign of surprise or fear. "Aw how come you weren't scared?"

Jungkook smiled proudly and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's waist, "My Jagi doesn't get scared easily."

"Aw you guys are no fun," Taehyung pouted, and went off to go play with Jimin.

"Sorry to disappoint you Tae," Eunji giggled.

It was getting dark out so the friends went to a few more houses before going back to Eunji's apartment. The boys sat on the floor in a circle to organize the candy they got.

"Yah you can't just steal my chocolate!" Jin yelled at a snickering Jungkook. "Thief!"

"Relax Hyung," Jungkook said with a mischievous smile. "I'll give you my raisins."

The eldest and maknae continued to bicker, leaving Eunji to shake her head and laugh.

"I swear I'm dealing with babies," She muttered.

Yoongi nodded in agreement, "Tell me about it."

Jungkook pouted cutely and snuggled up to Eunji, "But I'm your baby right?"

"Aish you...," Eunji sandwiched his cheeks with her hands. "Of course you are."

Hoseok gushed at the two, "Aw you two are so cute!"

The rest of the night was spent laughing and appreciating the time they had together. It had been awhile since everyone got together like this. All eight of them were a family.

"So...will you come trick or treating with me next year?" Jungkook asked eagerly.



Annyeong my lovely readers! I kinda rushed to get this done before Halloween. I'm not super into this holiday so this imagine isn't very good (I apologize >.<). Anyway I still hope you liked it. I'm currently working on a new one-shot for this story so look forward to that. Thank you for reading. Please stay safe and healthy ^-^

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