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She sat on the edge of the bed, pressing her fingers against her aching head. It seemed that every negative thought she had decided to all tumble down on her today. She had almost forgotten the feeling of her darkness. She wondered if she should welcome it, glancing at her nightstand which contained a sharp silver metal inside.

"Don't do it, you better not do it," A voice broke her from her thoughts.

She glanced up at him, who had just entered the room. Expecting him to scold her, he didn't to her surprise. Instead, he smiled and sat next to her on the bed. She felt his arms wrap around her and pull her into his embrace.

She inhaled his manly scent and closed her eyes to properly absorb the moment. Seeing him smile was enough to slowly make the dark thoughts go away. She wondered how she was even able to be with someone like him.

"I'm right here," He said in almost a whisper. "If you ever feel bad, tell me. I'll never let you suffer alone."

He kissed her lightly on her forehead, "So don't think about hurting yourself, okay?"

She suddenly found herself smiling and hugging back. Here she thought, no one could ever love her as he does. But he proved her wrong, and she was so glad that he did.

"Okay," She said quietly. In response, he peppered her face with kisses and told her how cute he thinks she is and how much he loves her.

Is this what it feels like to be loved? If so, she had come to the conclusion that love is the best thing to ever happen.


Annyeong my lovely readers! I hope you liked this short imagine. I'm sorry for not updating until now. I've been busy with school and focusing on my other book. I also have a little bit of writers block lol. But I'll do my best to keep writing one shots and imagines for this book. Thank you for reading. Please stay safe and healthy ^_^

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