Chapter 4

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Nick POV

At dinner the kids announced they had some things to tell us.

Christian stood up. "I'm a drug deal-."he GCO.

"What the hell Christian."Bey said.

"Hey you shut up. I'm ta-."he GCO again.

"Hold up. No you don't talk to your mother like that. I outta slap the black of you. And what is wrong wit you. this drug dealer shit. huh. Just cause you rich, you think you can be a drug dealer. Huh. You already got all the money in the world what you need some mo fa. Huh? What's up wit that? Go to your fucking room."I got up.

"I'm not done eating yet."

"You got money right."

"We'll yeah."

"We'll go to McDonalds and get you some food cause as long as you gone be disrespecting somebody in my house. I'm not gone cook to feed you. Since you got money, go but ya own food."

"But she inter-."

"She is an adult. And you not gone talk to her any kind've way you fucking want lil boy.Get the hell out my face."

"But mommy."

"But mommy my ass. just leave."

"Man fuck it."He said and walked off.

I sat down wit my hands on both sides of my plates.

"Any body else got something to say."I asked.

After dinner I cleared the table and did the dishes.

I didn't want Bey to do it this time round.

"The streets made me anyway."Christian mumbled going into the fridge.

"Excuse me. no the streets ain't make you. I did. nigga you taking me to play wit. Who the hell do you think you are? Since the streets made you how would you like to sleep on the streets."

"Mommy you not really putting me out are you."

"Yeah. I am. You need to be out by Monday,"

"Ya know what fine then."

He stomped of and went to his room.

After I was done wit the dishes I went to my room and Bey was staring at the ceiling.

"What ya thinking bout."

"Why do the kids always talk to me like that."

"Because you let them run all over you. And you give them every thing they ask for. Sometimes you have to say no. Sometimes they should be punished or something. I kicked Christian out the house."


"Cause he said the streets made him so I told him he lives on the streets when Monday come."

"They need help."

"We could take them to church tomorrow."


I got in The bed wit just wit my bra and thong on.

"I love you baby girl."I said.

"I love you to mami."

I kissed her forehead and she kissed mine. we wrapped our arms around each other waist, and went to sleep.


Me and KayLynn stayed up the whole night texting each other. Then she fell asleep while we were on face time and so did I.

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